Glenn Loury: Asian Students and NYC Exam School Controversy


Economist and academic Glenn Loury takes on the controversy over the use of exams in admissions to New York City’s elite, public Specialized High Schools. He talks with Wai Wah Chin, who is fighting back against discriminatory efforts by Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC schools’ chancellor to achieve their preferred racial balance by changing admissions standards.

As Loury mentions at the outset, he and Chin were both featured in PLF’s documentary film, Dream Factories, which digs into the problems of balancing racial groups in school admissions.

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Abolishing NYC’s gifted and talented program does not eliminate racial inequality—it only makes it stronger


Since the 19th century, gifted and talented programs in public schools have offered bright students the opportunity to reach their full potential. Students learn at different speeds and levels, and accelerated programs help ensure advanced students of all backgrounds are given the opportunities they need.

But New York City officials are taking that opportunity away from deserving students. The city recently announced it will phase out its gifted and talented program in favor of programs that promote “racial equity.”

Brittany Hunter explains how discrimination—no matter how city officials describe it—is wrong and hurts deserving students from all walks of life.

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The Hill: Racial discrimination in vaccine administration undermines public health


Race-based government policies have become more vigorous in the United States lately, threatening to undo progress toward equality before the law.

We’re seeing school boards engineer admissions to achieve racial balancing in classrooms, COVID-19 relief programs that earmark funds for preferred minority groups, and government contracts doled out on the basis of race.

Now, as Daniel Ortner explains, the government’s use of race as a category to sort people has spilled into another area: public health.

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