
I just hung up with my finance director five minutes ago and I have some unfortunate news: We are $12,000 short of what we need to raise this month with just 72 hours left to make up this troubling shortfall.

Forgive me for being blunt, but Senate control is on the line here. With a 50-50 Senate, we can’t afford to take any seat for granted. That’s why we set such ambitious fundraising goals, and why I count on this team to pull through. If we don’t, we give Mitch McConnell the upper hand and put this seat – and control of the entire Senate – at risk of falling into the GOP’s hands.

So Friend, I’m humbly asking you for a contribution so we can make up this fundraising shortfall – and I hope you’ll allow me a moment to explain why your contribution is so important.

The Republican Party is beholden to one thing and one thing only. It’s not the American people. It’s not their constituents. It’s not even our precious democracy. It’s Donald J. Trump. The twice-impeached, disgraced, former president has taken over the GOP – and their consistent submission to his will is why a Republican-controlled Senate is so dangerous. Right now, the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection is investigating whether Republican members of Congress aided violent insurrectionists that attacked our Capitol.

Even after revelations exposed Donald Trump’s pressure tactics on his acting attorney general to weaponize the Department of Justice to overturn the election results, Republicans continue to consolidate around and defend Trump. We are only able to hold the former president and his accomplices accountable because Democrats control Congress. If we lose control, Trump’s party will usher in chaos, obstruction, and attacks on our democratic institutions the likes of which we’ve never seen.

I know this may sound extreme, but as someone who has been in committee hearings with a front-row seat to Donald Trump’s wrongdoings, I can tell you that it’s the reality of what we’re facing. That’s why we cannot leave a single dollar on the table when it comes to protecting Democratic control of the Senate – and right now, you can help ensure Mitch McConnell does not win back a majority.

Please, will you make a contribution of $5 or more – whatever you can spare to help me make up this fundraising shortfall – to ensure we have the resources to fight GOP attacks and protect this Senate seat?

Thank you for your support.


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