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Hi friend,

Before Boris and Rishi head up to Scotland for COP26, we thought we would pay them a visit to remind them that thousands of us are calling on them to cancel the debt for climate justice.

At the Treasury yesterday, campaigners delivered over 13,000 petition signatures from all over the UK calling on them to act.

If you are one of the thousands who’ve taken action, thank you for adding your name to the call – the more of us there are, the more chance our message, and that of our partners around the world can be heard.

Currently 48 countries are spending five times more on debt repayments than mitigating the devastating effects of climate change.

Some have no choice but to exploit their natural resources to pay off the debts, exacerbating the climate crisis.

There can be no climate justice, without debt justice.

We’ll be in Glasgow making sure world leaders feel the pressure. Wherever you are, join us on 6 November for the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.

Find out where your nearest march is happening

As ever, stay safe and best wishes, 

Eva, Zak, Skye and everyone at Jubilee Debt Campaign

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