Friend, I know we send a lot of emails asking for donations, but I want you to see how small donations are building this campaign from the ground up.

In a competitive race with so many candidates, we need a lot of resources to bring this thing across the finish line. All along, our focus has been on creating a campaign that can go the distance. But, in order to be successful, we need to raise money to help us reach our goals.

Raising money is a reality of running a campaign these days. And trust me it’s not our favorite thing to do -- but it’s vital to our long-term success.

Our first priority will always be to stay true to our values. It’s why when Cory entered this race, he said that he wasn’t going to take any donations from federal lobbyists or corporate PACs -- and we’ve kept that promise.

Our average online donation in the last quarter was only $15.11. It’s because of thousands of supporters making small-dollar donations that we have powered this campaign.

These donations help us open up field offices and hire staff. We just opened two new offices in New Hampshire and South Carolina. In the past few weeks, we’ve also hired 19 additional organizing staffers in South Carolina and Nevada. These are the important investments that will help us succeed in critical early voting states.

Donations also cover the cost of supplies -- like clipboards and flyers -- so our organizers have what they need to effectively reach out to voters in the field. Another way your donation helps is by allowing us to purchase ads on social media so we can spread Cory’s message online. These are some of the critical things we need to run a successful campaign.

There are still a few more things on my to-do list, however. I want to hire even more organizers and invest in even more tools -- such as advertising -- that amplify Cory’s message. And we need to make these important investments right now so we can remain competitive in the months ahead.

If you want to see Cory in this race for the long haul, please help us grow our campaign by making your first donation today.

I’m so proud of how much this team has grown since we launched this campaign. We’ve come a long way.

With your continued support, there’s no stopping us.


Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020




Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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