MAVCON '21 in review
MAVCON by the numbers
250+ Attendees
22 States represented
17 Speakers
15 Members of Congress
3 Days of networking
DAY 1 : Maverick PAC members visited with 15 Members of Congress, including NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer and Chief Deputy Whip Drew Ferguson, at MAVCON's kickoff reception. 
DAY 2: Special guests Former National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien,  Governor Asa HutchinsonMiami Mayor Francis Suarez, and Congressmen Mike Waltz and Brian Fitzpatrick spoke on a variety of pressing issues including criminal justice reform, national security, and building prosperous cities through conservative policies. 
DAY 3: We concluded the conference by hearing from Georgia's Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan in the morning, cruising the Potomac River and playing mini-golf in the afternoon, and listening to Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during the evening. Secretary Pompeo closed out the conference by expressing his optimism about the future of the conservative movement led by energetic and involved Maverick PAC members. 
...and this is just the beginning! 2022 midterm elections are quickly approaching and as we all witnessed and experienced at MAVCON, Maverick PAC members play a consequential role in shaping the future of the GOP. Our strength lies in our membership. Therefore, we ask you to think of one potential new member to join our ranks.  The more we increase membership, the more funds we can donate to conservative candidates of your choice

View the entire #MAVCON21 album on our website.

View a more detailed recap of conference here. 

Future 40 Reception
A big congratulations to our Future 40 award recipients! It was awesome to recognize the 2020 and 2021 classes on the last evening of MAVCON and we greatly appreciate everyone who traveled to D.C. for the reception. 
Election Watch Party
November 2nd at The Admiral
This event is only open to active Maverick PAC members and sponsors. 
Welcome, Mavericks!
Sending a warm welcome to those members who joined Maverick PAC or renewed their membership in October. 
Caleb Bonham (Austin, TX)
Adam Brandon (Jacksonville, FL)
Shannon Burns (Cleveland, OH)
Nick Carr (Naples, FL)
Jacob Czarnick (New York, NY)
Nicholas Ersoy (Washington, D.C.)
Juan Feria (Dallas, TX)
Sean Fillinich (Washington, D.C.)
Justin Gobert (Dallas, TX)
Marina Hardy (Washington, D.C.)
Benjamin Khoshbin (Washington, D.C.)
Leah Korte (Washington, D.C.)
Adam Korzeniewski (Washington, D.C.)
Vincent Kruel (Washington, D.C.)
Meranda Landes (Orlando, FL)
Lauren Mariano (Tallahassee, FL)
Ryan McKnight (Houston, TX)
Zachery Michael (Washington, D.C.)
Tyler Nelson (Houston, TX)
Christian Rautenstrauch (Washington, D.C.)
Bill Richmond (Dallas, TX)
Andrew Smith (Tampa Bay, FL)
Kristin Smith (Miami, FL, and Washington, D.C.)
Mike Wakefield (Washington, D.C.)
Stay connected with the Maverick PAC community
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.


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