October 29, 2021
Latest columns

October 28, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

October 28, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 27, 2021
'The Most Reluctant Convert'
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? America's founders said our rights come from God. This is enshrined in our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. And yet many of the intellectual elites in the West (including in America) in the last century or so have abandoned belief in the Creator.... (more)

October 27, 2021
Yes, Virginia, change is in the air
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR ? It's not yet determined whether Terry McAuliffe and the Democrat Party are on the verge of losing Virginia in a little less than a week. The fact that it's a very distinct possibility is nonetheless cause for notice. And alarm, if you're a Democrat. Both sides of the aisle can agree that the Virginia governor's race -- and many of the down-ballot races, too -- is turning on the issue of public education. State and local elections often do. But what's interesting in this race is that McAuliffe, and the Democrat Party for which he's more or less a generic representative, is more out of touch with the public on public education than ever before in memory.... (more)

October 27, 2021
But members concede safety won't be known until it's administered
ART MOORE ? An FDA panel on Tuesday recommended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 by a vote of 17-0, with one abstention. However, during the hearing, many members, including the chairman, expressed concern about being given a "binary choice." They argued data indicate the risks outweigh the benefits for healthy children while those with underlying conditions who do face significant risks from contracting COVID-19 should have access to the vaccine.... (more)

October 27, 2021
NEWSMAX ? The only ''right thing'' for Attorney General Merrick Garland to do about the memo he wrote to the FBI and U.S. attorneys about taking action against threats to school officials is to rescind it, but he won't do that, Rep. Jim Jordan told Newsmax.... (more)

October 27, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Democrats in control of the Senate refuse to have a single hearing on the origin of the global coronavirus pandemic or Dr. Anthony Fauci's potential culpability in funding China's gain-of-function research, but Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., vows on Newsmax that will change if Republicans retake the Senate in 2022.... (more)

October 25, 2021
Only 1/3 believe he's tellling the truth about funding gain-of-function research
ART MOORE ? Nearly half of voters believe Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about U.S. funding for so-called "gain-of-function" research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many scientists believe to be the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.... (more)

October 25, 2021
PETE HOEKSTRA ? The discontent at school board meetings across America is hard to miss. It is showing up in the news and social media feeds that people are watching and reading in their homes. Many people, however, are missing the major driver of this discontent -- the major transformation that the White House, National School Boards Association (NSBA), and others are trying to impose on our government schools.... (more)

October 25, 2021
Go to 30:41 of Steve Deace show
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? A Los Angeles based psychiatrist has come forward to denounce global COVID policies like lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates, arguing that these policies are not about health, but about control, and the endgame is a Chinese style authoritarian government.... (more)

October 25, 2021
Apologizes to members for failing to consult with them
JUST THE NEWS ? A national education group that implied some parental activism is tantamount to "domestic terrorism" is facing revolt from at least 21 state members. The National School Boards Association had asked President Biden to use the Patriot Act in response to "the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation" against school board members, citing both physical altercations and heated rhetoric at public meetings.... (more)

October 25, 2021
Election is Nov. 2
TOWNHALL ? In the final days leading up to the Virginia statewide races, there continues to be plenty of cringe details for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. For instance, at a tour bus stop the candidate did in Arlington, Virginia, one of the bluest parts of the commonwealth, hardly anyone showed up.... (more)

October 25, 2021
JUST THE NEWS ? Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican, published a letter to the American people following the release of the Maricopa County audit results on Sept. 24 calling for forensic audits of all 50 states' 2020 election results. Originally signed by 41 state legislators from 15 states, the letter has now, less than a month later, been signed by 150 lawmakers from 38 states. Claiming that "our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election," the letter states:... (more)

October 25, 2021
TOWNHALL ? Will they even finish this movie? First, the tragic shooting death during the production of Rust seems to have been a disaster in the making. Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed the film's cinematographer and director this week. The cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, was killed in the incident. Director Joel Souza was injured. It was an eerie throwback to the tragic death of Brandon Lee on the set of 1994's The Crow in which he too was killed by a prop gun. Yet, there were other issues that plagued what appears to be a nightmare production.... (more)

October 25, 2021
'We will not comply!' COVID-19 power grab ignites bold new era of national defiance
WORLDNETDAILY ? Throughout 2020, America's doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical professionals were celebrated as heroes -- courageous frontline soldier-healers, selflessly battling a fearsome new pandemic called COVID-19. Just one year later, in 2021, tens of thousands of those same "frontline heroes" are now branded as rebels, conspiracy theorists, extremists -- and yes, potential terrorists, at least according to the Department of Homeland Security.... (more)

October 24, 2021
JUST THE NEWS ? As tolerance for intellectual diversity continues to narrow within the academic and public health establishments, dissenters in medicine and education are facing a range of professional reprisals and censorship by peers, regulators and Big Tech. The Idaho medical establishment targeted pathologist Ryan Cole's license to practice shortly after the medical director of America's Frontline Doctors, which challenges COVID-19 orthodoxy, was appointed to a regional health board.... (more)

October 23, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS ? An internist who looked at several COVID jabs under a microscope is sounding the alarm after her discovery of strange, unidentified objects in the shots, including metallic fragments, "graphene-like" structures in each jab, and a tentacled, moving organism-like creature in the Moderna jab. Dr. Carrie Madej, who said she has examined the magnified contents of the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson shots, found it "very upsetting" to see things in each jab that the manufacturers have not been forthright about -- so upsetting that she said she cried after she verified with a second batch of shots what she had seen in the first.... (more)

October 23, 2021
Calls the informed, expert opposition to the experimental jabs ?misinformation, rumor, and speculation? that ignores ?science?
FACEBOOK ? In a highly persuasive – and ill-informed – plea posted in connection with Facebook's "COVID-19 Information Center," Dr. Michael Ben-Aderet, an epidemiologist at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in LA, makes the definitive case why Americans should accept the authoritarian claim of Biden's health bureaucracy that "the vaccine is the single best step we can take in the fight against COVID-19." In his manipulative message, Dr. Ben-Aderet neglects to mention critically important information that refutes his unscientific assertions. (For its part, Facebook's COVID-19 Information Center itself repeats the lie that "hydroxychloroquine isn't helpful for treating COVID-19," and makes other false claims maintained by the discredited World Health Organization.) You decide what's true and reliable.... (more)

October 21, 2021
TOWNHALL ? For some reason, the White House thought it would be a good idea to schedule President Joe Biden's town hall when millions of Americans were watching sports, including postseason baseball. Sure enough, the CNN town hall performed terribly in the ratings, according to Joe Concha.... (more)

October 21, 2021
JUST THE NEWS ? The National School Boards Association apologized Friday for a letter it previously sent to the Biden administration in which it likened the actions of parents at school board meetings to acts of "domestic terrorism."... (more)

October 21, 2021
The company?s contracts ?consistently place Pfizer's interests before public health imperatives?
ART MOORE ? Pfizer, the first vaccine maker to receive FDA approval for a COVID shot, has used its power to "shift risk and maximize profits," according to a consumer advocacy group that obtained secret government contracts. Public Citizen found that only five of the 73 deals Pfizer has made worldwide for its COVID-19 vaccine have been formally published by governments, and they have "significant redactions," DailyMail.com reported.... (more)

October 21, 2021
Collins, Fauci lied to Congress, lied to the press, and lied to the public — ?knowingly, willfully, brazenly?
JUST THE NEWS ? Two weeks after National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins announced his retirement, his agency has complicated congressional testimony by Collins and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci about alleged gain-of-function virus research sponsored by the U.S.... (more)

October 20, 2021
Part of an effective and well-funded plan to help Democrats win (writ: ?steal?) the 2020 election
BOB UNRUH ? It's well-known that Facebook mastermind Mark Zuckerberg dished out some $420 million to local election officials and such during the 2020 presidential race -- often to recruit Democrat voters and affect the vote. One analysis concluded he essentially purchased the election for Joe Biden.... (more)

October 20, 2021
THE BLAZE ? In-N-Out Burger blasted the city of San Francisco's proof of COVID-19 vaccination requirements after the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) closed one of the popular California burger joint's locations for serving customers who were not carrying the proper papers.... (more)

October 20, 2021
Doesn?t want to ?disincentivize employers? vaccination efforts?
ART MOORE ? On its website, OSHA is urging employers not to report any side-effects workers may experience from COVID-19 vaccines because it would discourage others from getting vaccinated. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., spotlighted the statement on Twitter. An FAQ page for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a branch of the Department of Labor, states OSHA will not enforce the recording requirements until at least next May.... (more)

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