Hi John -- join us in asking Fidelity to disclose their role in enabling Donor Advised Fund (DAF) grants to be sent to groups that perpetuate white supremacist and fascist violence in the US and internationally.

On September 30th, leaders of the Unmasking Fidelity campaign, including Resource Generation members in our Boston and North Caroline Triangle chapters, officially relaunched our campaign and delivered this letter, endorsed by over 30 organizations and hundreds of community members and account holders, to Fidelity Charitable and Fidelity Investments.
We shared our demands that Fidelity DISCLOSE their role in enabling Donor Advised Fund (DAF) grants to be sent to groups that perpetuate white supremacist and fascist violence in the US and internationally. Let's keep up the pressure.

Join us in taking virtual and in-person action:
As an anchor organization of this campaign, alongside Action Center on Race & The Economy, Asian American Resource Workshop, Community Labor United (an affiliate of our national campaign partner, CPD), Muslim Justice League and Political Research Associates, RG understand its unique and important role in challenging financial and philanthropic institutions, especially the self-described largest grant-maker in the U.S., Fidelity Charitable. We are called to leverage our power as young people with access to wealth and institutions to organize our families, friends and networks in order to challenge Fidelity’s role in enabling anti-Muslim, anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant rhetoric, policies and violence to continue.
Learn more about the #UnmaskingFidelity campaign on the website and in a recent news article.
In solidarity,
Resource Generation