If you tune in tonight, you’ll hear about these plans in more detail. You’ll also hear me ask for the support of everyone in the room to help us succeed.
J Street

Friend --

I’m about to head into our National Gala Dinner, where Speaker Pelosi, Democratic Leader Schumer and other prominent congressional leaders will address J Street supporters.

You can watch the entire event live right here.

When I take the stage, there are a number of people I plan to thank. But I wanted to take a minute right now to thank all those who won’t be with us in person, who’ve done so much to make this movement what it is today.

Thank you.

I hope that, even without being with us in person tonight or over the past few days, you’ve gotten a sense of just how far this organization has come -- and what we’re capable of as we organize toward an election that will be decisive for the character of our country, the stability of the Middle East and the future of our planet.

With over 4,000 supporters in attendance, we started conversations this weekend that had been sorely lacking from the national political debate. Leading 2020 candidates flew in to talk to J Street supporters about their plans to reverse the disastrous policies of the Trump administration, push back against settlement expansion and annexation and work toward the peace and security Israelis and Palestinians deserve.

Our job over the coming year is to make sure these conversations reverberate through the entire 2020 election; that the bold plans called for from our stage take hold in the party platform and the Democratic nominee’s agenda; and that we elect a House, a Senate and a president who will turn the page on this administration’s morally bankrupt policies.

If you tune in tonight, you’ll hear about these plans in more detail. You’ll also hear me ask for the support of everyone in the room to help us succeed.

Before I head in, I want to ask for your renewed support, too.

We could not have gotten to where we are today -- a movement of 200,000 people, the epicenter of the progressive conversation on Israel and a place where presidential candidates and congressional leaders assemble -- without you.

But our largest battle lies directly before us as we fight for the heart and soul of our country, of our community and for peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.

Together, I know we will win.

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Thank you,
Jeremy Ben-Ami

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© 2019 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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