As Congress continued to debate the budget this month, a once-in-a-generation chance to truly invest in America’s most marginalized children and families hung in the balance. We fought hard to ensure lawmakers put our children’s needs above the bottom line, in Congress and elsewhere. Here are some of the ways we advocated for children and their families this month:
Our Children's Future: We implored Congress not to weaken the Build Back Better package by cutting any of the supports and programs that could be truly life-changing for children and families. Learn more.
Child Poverty: We pushed back on the idea of tying the Child Tax Credit (CTC) to racist and arcane work requirements and called on Congress to pass a Build Back Better package that strengthens the CTC, rather than undermining and weakening it. Learn more.
Housing: We urged Congress to prioritize robust investments in housing vouchers, public housing, and the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) in the Build Back Better Act to address the housing affordability crisis and its devastating impact on children. Learn more.
Youth Justice: We recognized Youth Justice Action Month by calling attention to the over-criminalization and adultification of Black children and other children of color that pushes them into a system proven to cause long-lasting harm.
- We called for the end of school policing and exclusionary discipline that fuels the cradle-to-prison pipeline. Learn more.
- We urged Congress to pass legislation to treat children like children, rather than pushing them into a punitive system that was not designed with their needs in mind. Learn more.
- We highlighted CDF-NY’s work to seal criminal records and ensure criminal convictions do not create life-long barriers to employment, housing, and education. Learn more.
- We shared the harms of institutional placements in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems and called for a shift of funding from these harmful placements to supports for children and families. Learn more.