Dear Partners,

Today marks a significant inflection point in our advocacy on the Build Back Better Package. With the White House releasing its Build Back Better Framework, inclusive of a number of coverage victories, alongside disappointing absences, we still have time to make our voices heard to make sure Congress enacts a comprehensive package that keeps its promise to deliver a more just and equitable health system for all of America’s families. Read Families USA’s statement here.

Please join us TODAY from 3:00 – 3:30pm for a 30-minute Twitterstorm to push Congress and the White House on Build Back Better, with an emphasis on two key policies: ensuring the package includes Medicare negotiation of prescription drugs, and expansion of Medicare benefits to include oral health.

Sample social media for the Twitterstorm is below:

  • Despite the months of debate and hard work that went into crafting this framework, it falls far short of what families across America need to truly #BuildBackBetter. [insert link to organizations statement here]
  • The lack of a new #DentalBenefit for people who are covered under #Medicare is unacceptable and must be addressed before either chamber of Congress votes on the bill. There is way too much need and the policy is way too popular to not cover dental in Medicare. #BuildBackBetter
  • Authorizing #Medicare to negotiate #DrugPrices isn’t controversial or complicated. Nearly 90% of people across party lines say they want Congress to act now to #LowerDrugCosts. This, with the lack of a new #DentalBenefit, is unacceptable & must be addressed. #BuildBackBetter
  • .@POTUS & Democratic leaders are on the record fiercely supporting #DrugPrice negotiations & #Medicare #DentalBenefits, which are wildly popular benefits that almost all families want. Yet, a small no. of intransigent Democrats, schilling for #BigPharma, are standing in the way.


Additional oral health and Rx sample social media posts can be found here.


Thank you, as always, for your tireless advocacy.

In partnership,


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