
Our end-of-month fundraising deadline is coming up on Sunday at midnight, and we need your help to reach it, because right now, we’ve had a drop off and we need to get back on the rails.

Biden and the Radical Left have FAILED our nation. Their ridiculous spending has driven up inflation to enormous levels and guaranteed one of the most expensive Christmas seasons EVER for Americans!
The Radical Left does not care about the health of our nation. They want nothing more than to expand the power of the federal government, destroy our sovereignty as a nation, and ensure every American is weighed down with job killing taxes!

Defeating the Radical Left is one of Beth’s most important responsibilities as our Congresswoman. She knows America can only succeed when our leaders stand up for Americans, our rights, and our economy. 

Unfortunately, the Radical Left is not going to slow down, and with next year’s House elections getting closer and closer, we can’t afford to either. Beth wants to keep up the fight for Texas but she can’t do it all by herself. She is counting on you to help us hit our October goal!
Thank you for your support, 
Van Duyne Finance Team