Thank you, Ms. Harris, for trusting us to be there to answer your calls. Thank you to the 40,000 children and families who have also trusted us to be there these past 25 years. Thank you to our partners and supporters who made it possible for us to achieve our victories and overcome challenges.
Tuesday evening was a time for thank yous. But it was much more than that. It was a celebration of our impact and a reflection on the realities of what DC kids and families are facing today.
Over the coming weeks, we will continue to share our thanks.
For today, I’m here with two requests:
Will you help us meet our match?
Kids like Ms. Harris’ are the reason Children’s Law Center began 25 years ago. And the reason I am asking for your support today.
Spread the Word
Can you share this video with friends, family and colleagues so we can continue this work for years to come?