Unity Brings Change Worldwide
Red Clay Comrade newsletter header

"The Radical Must Be Possible"

Rose fists DSA image

I remember my first days as a politically-conscious young person. In 2015, I was a high school student, tinkering around with Minecraft utopias and science fiction; at the same time, Bernie Sanders was ramping up his first run at the US Presidency. I recall key parts of the platform he spoke on that year, ranging from free public higher education, Medicare for All, and a comprehensive plan to address climate change in favor of working people.


Let's Stand In Solidarity With The UAW Campaign

UAW strikers

Share the good, bad, and the ugly:
Check out our growing Podcast Team

Tax billionaires or criminalize billionaires image

Enjoy Speaking to large crowds, think you have a voice for radio, want to spread the word, or even if you seek a memorable experience. Then you should join our podcast team as we prepare to launch. Everyone has a thought!


Send us an email at [email protected] to express interest or join us in the biweekly editorial meeting today (Thursday, Oct 28 @ 7pm) to lend a hand.


Have you submitted to the Red Clay Comrade?

Submit to the Red Clay Comrade

The Red Clay Comrade needs you! Submit your article pitch below and be a part of building the written voice of the movement. Also, you get major cool points!


What you missed on #seize-the-memes

IATSE strike meme

ATL DSA's Member Survey

Trying to find your place in the chapter? Whether you have 1 hour a week or 1 hour a day for DSA, take our member survey to get plugged in!