TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
DC Council Redistricting Hearings: Ward 4: Thu, October 28, 10am – 12pm Details here.
Take Action to Tell UNFI: Hands Off Our Health Care! We Deserve Pay Raises NOW! (New Carrollton): Thu, October 28, 11:30am – 12:30pm
; Shoppers #2618, 7790 Riverdale Rd, New Carrollton, MD (map) UFCW 400;
Read more here. George Mason University Rally for Cleaners: Thu, October 28, 12pm – 1pm 4441 George Mason Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA (map) Rally at Merten Hall for justice and dignity for GMU cleaners - "Justice for Janitors."
Voting rights and Economic Justice Freedom Walk: Thu, October 28, 12:30pm – 3:30pm 633 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004, USA (map)
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, October 28, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online. Hosts: Chris Garlock and Ed Smith; JOIN US AT 202-588-0893. Today's Guests: Congressman Andy Levin (D, MI), author Jack Metzgar, singer George Mann.
Take Action to Tell UNFI: Hands Off Our Health Care! We Deserve Pay Raises NOW! (College Park): Thu, October 28, 5pm – 6pm Shoppers #2650, 4720 Cherry Hill Rd, College Park, MD (map) UFCW 400; Read more here.
NoVA Labor Volunteer Phone Bank: Thu, October 28, 6pm – 8pm Calling fellow union members about this year's election. Please click the below link to register to help: Zoom Link For more info contact Bob Zabel. [email protected]. 317-489-2501 Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, October 28, 6pm – 7pm This will be a joint meeting with the Disabilities Caucus to discuss employment issues for workers with disabilities.
Pride at Work: Thu, October 28, 7:15pm – 8:15pm
Pride at Work is the AFL-CIO LGBTQ+ advocacy group. Everyone is welcome!
NOTE: CLICK HERE for the complete NoVA Labor election activity calendar listings thru Election Day (11/2).
“No Trump in VA” says hotel worker
“We don’t want a second Trump in Virginia,” said UNITE HERE 25 member Muhammad Khan as he door-knocked for labor in Virginia on Wednesday. "Virginia is already blue; we don’t want it red again,” Khan added. “With Democrats in power, minimum wages go up, we get good healthcare and schools and more unions so companies like Amazon won’t abuse people.” Khan lost his job at the Marriott Wardman because of the pandemic. Click here for details on how you can get involved in Labor 2021 Virginia. - David Stephen; photo by Camucha King |
Wheelchair justice Huntleigh wheelchair agents – members of SEIU 32BJ -- confronted JetBlue and Air Canada at National Airport yesterday, about Huntleigh’s failure – unlike all other wheelchair agents -- to pay the full MWAA minimum wage. |
They’ll drink to that: Heaven Hill Workers end 6-week Kentucky Bourbon strike Striking UFCW members at Heaven Hill Distillery voted Saturday to approve a new five-year contract that preserves health care benefits and overtime pay. The distillery workers had been on strike since September
, fighting for a fair contract. “With the strong support of the Bardstown community, including many local businesses and community leaders, these hardworking men and women at Heaven Hill courageously stood up to fight for what all Kentucky families want—good jobs, affordable health care and to be treated right by the company they made a success,” said UFCW Local 23D President Matt Aubrey. “Together, these hardworking Kentuckians preserved the affordable healthcare, overtime pay and fair scheduling that enables them to balance work with supporting their families.”
Solidarity Center Report: Brazilian Union Leader Murdered
Afro-Brazilian union leader and city councilman Alexsandro Faria was shot dead earlier this month. Known as Sandro do Sindicato, or Sandro from the Union, he was on his way to a worker assembly when he was shot dead. “Sandro was a worker who moved up to lead a union, an Afro-Brazilian whose connections to the grassroots brought him to public office," says Solidarity Center Brazil Country Program Director Gonzalo Martinez de Vedia. “This is a huge loss." Find out more at Solidarity Center. |
Evening with Labor awardees: Andrew Washington, Laura Fuchs & Tom Killeen The 2020 Evening with Labor
, rescheduled for November 12, honors those who have gone above and beyond to support and fight for the local labor movement. We’ll be featuring them this week in Union City. This Friday, October 29, is the deadline to reserve your ticket(s) and/or ad in the EWL program book; Get your ad and ticket orders in now!
For ticket credit card purchases, CLICK HERE. For check payments or to avoid additional online fees, register using this google form. Note that an option to attend virtually is available this year.
DC COPE Award Andrew Washington Andrew (top right), the former Executive Director of AFSCME Council 20 who died of COVID late last year
, built an outstanding relationship with the Mayor of the District of Columbia and the members of the DC City Council, helping to advance the agenda of the city’s working men and women and their unions. He Co-Chaired the District’s Labor Management Partnerships and Co-Chair of the Metro Washington Council’s DC Committee on Political Education (COPE). During his tenure at Council 20, Andrew created a member-to-member-driven Get Out The Vote (GOTV) effort and implemented the use of iPads to cut turf and assess members in real time, helping move District Council 20 to the forefront of the political realm in the District of Columbia.
Laura Fuchs Chair of the Washington Teacher’s Union (WTU) COPE, Laura (bottom photo) has been an active member of the DC COPE and in 2019 did amazing work to organize COPE members in both her local and the Metro Council to support the election of two new school board members around the issues of greater equity and transparency around school funding throughout the District.
Suburban Maryland COPE Award Tom Killeen, Business Agent, SMART Sheet Metal Division Local 100
Tom has volunteered his time and energy throughout the year to support and elect our labor-endorsed candidates. He spearheaded an educational effort to get his members to register to vote and to understand the endorsement process and who our endorsed candidates were. He participated in labor campaign activities through phone banking, door knocking and other legislative activities and the GOTV program. He has volunteered in our organizations program to help out in communities. From doing maintenance projects for the needy and elderly to raising funds to purchase book bags for school children his efforts have been spread wide. Tom is union through and through and is dedicated to improving the labor movement, thereby improving the lives of all Marylanders.
photo (top left): Tom at work for the SMART Army, painting the fire lane curb at the Saint Ann’s Children & Family Center in Hyattsville, Maryland. |
Today’s labor quote: Terrell Owens
“The Company did not want to give anything this time, but we stood our ground and got everything we could.”
Owens is a UFCW 400 member at Lipton Tea-Unilever in Suffolk, VA, which recently ratified a new contract.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.