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Thursday, October 28th, 2021



Ira Katz

Overlooking Mass Killers—If They’re on the Totalitarian Left

Paul Gottfried

A Press Afraid To Be Free?

Andrew P. Napolitano

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Matthew Ehret

Irrational Exuberance in the Stock Market Casino

Peter Schiff

Putin Used Valdai Speech To Champion ‘Moderate Conservatism,’ But West’s Insistence on Seeing Russia as a Threat Could Lead to War

Dmitry Stefanovich

Can Any Actor Play James Bond?

Maren Thom

The Military’s Turn to Wokeness Shows the US Faces No Real Military Threats

Tate Fegley

The Right Speed Limit Is Your Limit!

Eric Peters

Hard Facts Pour in From Country After Country That Covid Cases Rise With Vaccination And the Stupid Media Reports That The Cases Are tge Result of Permitting People Freedom of Movement

Paul Craig Roberts

The Abortion Culture

Jon Rappoport

How Health Officials Accelerated the Diabetes Pandemic

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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