Dear John,
The topic of climate change evokes many responses, and as governments work out plans to meet net zero targets, the AE team is ministering through word and deed to vulnerable communities dealing with the catastrophic effects of flood, drought and disease in Africa. Our work in the slum communities of Kibera and Korogocho Kenya have helped to minimise the build-up of contaminated waste saving the lives of countless young people and minimising disruption to education and work amongst the worlds poorest.
Regardless of the issues, AE is on the ground continuing to witness to the love of Jesus, and you are making it possible for us to give hope to communities suffering from persecution, natural disasters, food insecurity and absolute poverty. Stories below include the wonderful community transformation group initiative bringing hundreds of thousands together to support one another in small groups and mission outcomes in Uganda and Malawi. Our new app developed by Christians for Christians gives easy access to prayer points, the Bible and a new way to gift via a mobile number.
I pray that you are uplifted and encouraged as you read of God’s answer to your prayers and financial support for mission in Africa through African Enterprise.
God bless,
Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia