Dear People For Supporter, This is an all-hands-on-deck moment, and we need your help. We’re six days out from the critical Virginia election -- which will set the tone for next year’s midterms and thus control of Congress in 2022. And the polls in the race are TIED. So it all comes down to turnout at this point. To put it simply – we cannot allow far-right Republicans to seize control of this bellwether state and set a disastrous tone for the 2022 midterms. We need to raise another $49,865 right away to keep our ads on the air and our on-the-ground organizing on track. All donations 3X-MATCHED! Please rush in a generous contribution today to GET OUT THE VOTE and keep Virginia blue!>> With so much on the line, the latest polls in the Virginia governor's race are TIED! Unfortunately, we’re already up against some serious headwinds going into 2022: Democrats currently hold razor-thin congressional majorities, and the historical trend in midterms typically swings against the party in the White House. If this bellwether state -- that we've all worked SO hard to turn blue over the last decade -- elects a far-right Trump-supported extremist, it will be our biggest setback yet and make our job in 2022 that much harder. And make no mistake about it; despite his attempts to paint himself as a centrist in public, Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin is ALL-IN on the Far Right’s agenda, including opposing marriage equality, banning books, outlawing abortion, accepting endorsements from hate groups like the Family Research Council, and opposing recommended vaccine and mask requirements to combat COVID. We only have a few days left to put additional resources into our GOTV efforts, and we’re counting on your support as we head for the finish line. With your support, we look forward to keeping Virginia blue next Tuesday and rolling into 2022 with the momentum on our side –- so we hope you’ll pitch in at this critical time. — Will Easton, People For's Digital Team ![]()