How To Become More Self-Aware


Every relationship begins with your relationship with yourself. Ultimately the guiding voice is the internal one. And if you don’t understand who you are, it’s impossible to develop self-control.

Carl Jung once said: “Everybody acts out a myth, but very few people know what their myth is. And you should know what your myth is because it might be a tragedy and maybe you don’t want it to be.”

It is of great importance to understand your conscience because it will antagonize you for the things you're not doing. 

By developing your self-awareness, you objectively see the steps you have taken to get to where you are today. And if you work at eroding your inadequacies you can change direction to navigate towards a place of higher meaning and purpose. 

Through this, you learn how to better manage your own states, emotions, and impulses better. 
The Discovering Personality course was designed to develop greater awareness of your personality type and those around you. 

Each personality type is evolved to solve a different kind of problem. We cooperate in societies by solving many kinds of problems together, through these diverse personality types. Although these differences can be frustrating, they are important. Understanding how to manage different personalities is an incredibly useful skill to possess.  

Discovering Personality is a 5-hour lecture series; providing you with more information than you would get in the typical semester-long personality course at university. By taking the course you will gain valuable insights that can improve many aspects of your life. It is designed to be used as a toolkit for operating in the world, allowing you to flourish in both your personal and professional relationships
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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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