John China’s latest nuclear test was not just a test. When Nations perform nuclear tests in today’s world, it’s not just for science. So for our nation to be caught so flat-footed against China’s successful hypersonic missile test presents a much greater threat than many of us realize. In the past few months, China has been stepping up its aggression. We have seen them fly more fighters into Taiwanese airspace than ever, and with Biden failing to stand up for our allies. China may be looking to challenge our status as the world’s greatest power. We cannot afford to back down to China and the CCP. We have seen them crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong, enact a campaign of genocide against Uighur Muslims, and use their influence to entrap smaller nations into debt so that they can exploit their natural resources! Biden has got to get tougher on Xi and the CCP. Biden’s policy when it has come to China’s aggression has been appeasement, but as history has shown, this will not work! We have to stand up to China’s increased aggression and increase our own capabilities ourselves. That’s why I am counting on you to pitch in to hold Biden accountable for failing to protect America! For Texas, Dr. Brian Babin