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Economic Democracy Weekly

In today’s Economic Democracy Weekly, we focus on co-ops and community development. On co-ops, one article looks at discussions about racial and economic justice held at two conferences this fall, while an archive feature from a Jessica Gordon Nembhard talk in 2020 offers historical perspective. On community development, an article by Surdna Foundation president Don Chen introduces a new weekly NPQ series—Community Development: National Leaders’ Visions—that will highlight ideas of transformation from national leaders of color in the field. We also feature a second helping from that series, with four leaders offering brief remarks on what infrastructure that meets the demands of the moment should look like. .

Co-op Leaders Seek to Reconnect with Movement’s Social Justice Roots

Amid a COVID economy and a racial reckoning, co-op leaders and activists explore how co-ops can more effectively advance racial and economic justice. Read more...
Technology Solutions that Support Trust-Based Philanthropy Values
Learn how grantmaking technology solutions can help your organization to better serve your mission by focusing on equity, relationships, and reducing the burden on grantees.
Read the Blog

Racial Equity in Co-ops: 6 Key Challenges and How to Meet Them

The US co-op movement today has begun to acknowledge how white supremacy has distorted democratic practice. But there remains a long way to go. Read more...
Survey Results: Nonprofit Fundraising Priorities
We surveyed your nonprofit peers to understand their top priorities for the next 5 years. Download this report to see how your organization stacks up.
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Racial Representation in Community Development: The Vital Importance of Trust

In recent years, community economic development has seen more CEOs of color. This is critical but is only a first step in restoring community trust. Read more...

Direct Mail is Hotter Than Ever
AppealMaker has free tools for non profit mailers to learn, explore and execute direct mail. Add direct mail to your fundraising campaign today.
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From the Magazine

America’s Infrastructure Needs: Community Development Leaders Weigh In

What conversation should we be having about infrastructure that we are not having? Four national community development leaders offer their thoughts. Read more...
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