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Dear Colleague,

As countries prepare to meet in Glasgow for a critical round of climate talks, new research and poll findings underscore how border carbon adjustments (BCA)s are both workable and popular.

A new Council report, entitled “Don’t Believe the Hype: A BCA Is Doable (and We’re Doing Most of It Already)”, shows how the U.S. and our allies already have the foundation in place to erect a BCA--and do so quickly.

Meanwhile, a new poll of battleground states commissioned by Americans for Carbon Dividends found strong support for this climate tool. Among its key takeaways:

  • Fully 70% of voters support a BCA, with roughly one-in-three voters saying they strongly support a BCA.

  • Support for a BCA spans conservatives, moderates and liberals, as well as Republicans, Democrats and Independent voters.

This report and poll confirm that a BCA offers a path forward to unite Americans behind effective climate action. We invite you to read the report and review the poll findings.

All the best, 


The Council Team

The Climate Leadership Council works with a diverse coalition of businesses, environmental, and opinion leaders to advance the four-part carbon dividends framework as the most cost-effective, equitable, and politically viable climate solution. Enacting the carbon dividends framework would unleash America’s full innovative capacity against climate change and cut emissions in half by 2035 on its own.