Dear John,

Two weeks ago we released our list of Renewers, candidates in 2022 who will help us Renew America. But we can’t complete this mission if we aren’t also committed to rooting out and defeating the peddlers of lies, conspiracies and authoritarianism. That’s why today we announced our list of Dividers - the House Republicans who represent the greatest threat to our democracy.

These Dividers are the worst of the worst. Many of them have even been implicated in the direct planning of the January 6th insurrection. These aren’t fringe members of the party, these are national mouthpieces, powerful committee members, and even senior leaders of the party.

Whether they are spreading dangerous conspiracies like Q Anon, meeting with militant white nationalists, or trying to overturn our elections, we cannot afford for the dividers to gain any more power. That’s why we will be actively campaigning against them, recruiting and backing principled primary opponents and running ads against them in the general election.

This is an “all hands on deck” moment, and we are taking the lead in the fight against dangerous extremism in the GOP. I know we can count on having you by our side in this important mission. So if there’s a divider in your area, and you want to be a part of the team to unseat them, send me an email at [email protected] and let's talk about how together we can rid ourselves of this haunted House of Representatives.

Joel Searby



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