An overwhelming amount of you believe ending Republican-led voter suppression tactics is a MASSIVE priority -- and I couldn’t agree more.

I want to thank you, John.

I’m so grateful for each and every one of you that took my very first Priorities Survey since I announced my candidacy for Governor.

The majority of you told me stopping Republican voter suppression tactics is a massive priority -- and John, I couldn’t agree more.

Under the leadership of Ron DeSantis, Republicans have been able to:

-- RESTRICT vote by mail options for many Floridians
-- DECREASE the amount of drop boxes for ballots across the state
-- STOP family members from helping pick up and drop off vote by mail ballots for their loved ones
-- And expand PARTISAN influence over ballot counting

Even worse: Republicans fully admitted that their motivation behind these restrictions was to suppress the voices of Democrats and people of color.

I know we must do everything in our power that we can to replace Ron DeSantis so we can undo the damage he has caused to our democracy and our voting rights.

That’s why I’m coming to you now, John.

I’m calling on 250 grassroots Democrats to step up and join my campaign to defeat Ron DeSantis and his anti-voting agenda.

Can I count on your support before midnight? Let’s show Florida Republicans we mean business. >>

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250

Thank you,


Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

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Miami, FL 33135
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Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

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