Democrats in DC are in late-stage negotiations on what will and won’t be in the final Build Back Better legislation. Some tough choices may be needed soon, and we will keep you informed of the state of play.

Some are urging progressives to give up leverage in this important moment by passing the smaller infrastructure bill now. Passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill -- which Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema want -- without the larger Build Back Better bill would incentivize them to walk away from the bigger Build Back Better negotiations.

Can you call Rep. Brendan Boyle and urge him to #HoldTheLine by only passing the smaller infrastructure bill when there is a good Build Back Better deal and its passage is guaranteed?

You can also tweet to Rep. Boyle here:

John, our progressive allies in the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) have been fighting for our values even as conservative Democrats like Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema and Josh Gottheimer threaten to derail progress on climate action, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, paid family leave and universal child care, and Medicare expansion for America's seniors.

While the CPC is now one of the largest caucuses in Congress -- it is clear that we still need to make it even bigger. We still need more progressives in Congress.

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Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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