With all that ails our nation, we cannot afford to besmirch America’s prospects.
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Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture
Chronicles November 2021 issue
cover photo: Daniel Boone escorting settlers through the Cumberland Gap, oil on canvas, by George Caleb Bingham, 1851-52 (Kemper Art Museum/Niday Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)
In the current issue of Chronicles:
With all that ails our nation,
We cannot afford to besmirch America’s prospects.

Nor can we forfeit the intrepid spirit that has guided America’s rise to greatness among nations. Mindful of the situation, Anthony Esolen pens the feature article in the November issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. His piece, “Hope for America,” does not depict an idyllic future. Neither is it a yearning for a false utopia.

Instead, it is an appeal to reason. An admission at once of America’s missteps as well as a statement of praise for her towering achievements…and for her enduring promise and beauty. In its totality, what Esolen articulates is at once a call to hope and a call to arms. A paean to an American restoration.

Featured in this issue:

Even as Esolen gives us reason to carry on, we cannot leave go the imperative to address corrosives in our culture. To this end, it is important we remain steely-eyed about the forces that attack American integrity and diminish her prospects.

The Critical Flaw in Critical Race Theory
The Critical Flaw in Critical Race Theory

At the heart of the assaults against the nation’s history and founding fathers is the malevolent ideology that lurks behind critical race theory. Alan J. Levine takes up a point-by-point refutation of the conceits within “The Critical Flaw in Critical Race Theory.”

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Slavery as a Political Construct
Slavery as a Political Construct

Along a corollary path, “Slavery as a Political Construct” by Alexander Riley reviews two scholarly critiques of the deliberately ideological “1619 Project,” one coming from a Marxist perspective, the other from a conservative viewpoint, both dismissive of the piece as unworthy of serious scholarly study.

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California Exodus
California Exodus

Taking the pulse of a failing society, Roger D. McGrath’s “California Exodus” talks of the rise and fall in favor of the state of California prior to and since the imposition of Democratic governance. As observed, California experiences one of the highest exit rates for citizens (and businesses). Meanwhile, the state also leads or is near to the top of the list of states for homelessness, public debt, tax rates, and failing infrastructure.

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