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That's right, this Friday at 5p is the last and final deadline for ordering [link removed] 2021 Evening with Labor dinner tickets and/or ads for the program book! We must provide a final headcount to Martin's and get the program book on press, so please get your orders in now!
GOT TICKETS? Be sure you've let us know your in-person and virtual headcount by 5p Friday! Anyone with tickets NOT responding with a headcount by then will only be able to attend virtually.
Paying by check? [link removed] Click here for the order form.
​Paying online by credit card? [link removed] CLICK HERE.
NOTE: Anyone attending in-person must register online (we'll send out a link soon); attendees must provide proof of vaccination or of a recent (72 hours) negative covid test at the door on November 12 or they will not be admitted (sorry, no exceptions!).
[link removed] Click here for the order form.
If you sent in an ad last year and need to update it ([link removed] click here to find and review your ad), you MUST send in the updated ad by 5p Friday. Send to mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
Questions? Reach Chris at mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] or call 202-230-1133.
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