
I'm Governor Phil Murphy. I’m reaching out today to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign for Governor of New Jersey and Josh Shapiro's campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania. You can do so right here >>

There is so much at stake in New Jersey and Pennsylvania this year, and your support is critical to building a true grassroots campaign with the strength to keep moving New Jersey and Pennsylvania forward. My Republican opponent tied himself as close to Donald Trump as possible to win the nomination, and they're doing the same in Pennsylvania too.

We need to send a clear message: We’re not going back.

We have made so much progress in New Jersey over the last three-plus years on the issues that matter most, like tackling climate change head-on, passing common-sense gun safety measures, legalizing cannabis, putting our state on the path to a $15 minimum wage, and so much more.

But our work is not yet done. We can’t risk moving our states backwards. We have to lift up every community and make sure everyone, no matter where they live or where they’re from, has a seat at the table.

That’s why we’re building a true grassroots campaign from the ground up to win. Will you consider pitching in to Josh and me to help keep our states blue?


Thank you for your continued support. Hope to see you out on the trail soon.



Thank you for supporting Josh Shapiro's campaign to become the next governor of Pennsylvania. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to:

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States

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