October 28, 2019        

Bitcoin and the Denationalization of Money
by Ralph Fucetola

In his new book The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean Ammous displays a fine understanding of money, and also a good grasp of how currencies like Bitcoin could revolutionize the government-dominated banking sector.

Government Subsidies and the Decline of Higher Ed: Lessons from Australia

Poor incentives create poor outcomes, and government subsidies for higher education institutions have created poor incentives in spades.

Austrian-school economics is value-free and is not necessarily in favor of laissez-faire. But the Austrian view of markets and market power tends to push one in the laissez-faire direction.


The shift toward empire has brought about the destruction of American liberty and privacy here at home. That’s what the surveillance, torture, and indefinite detentions of American citizens are all about — to supposedly protect us from the dangers produced by U.S. intervention abroad.


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