From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Hiring Hall: Lipton workers ratify strong new contract
Date October 27, 2021 9:49 AM
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Lipton workers ratify strong new contract

Fort Lee barbers trade picket signs for clippers

What's at stake for labor in Virginia elections

Wag-o-Ween: your cat or dog could win you $500

EVENING WITH LABOR AWARDEES: IUPAT DC 51's FTI, Plumbers 5's JATC, EAS Regional Carpenters Council's MACTC

Today's Labor History

Today's Labor Quote

Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!!

TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily

WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

NoVa Labor Office Lit Drops: Wed, October 27, 9am - 4pm (thru 11/2)

4536 John Marr Dr. Annandale VA ([link removed] map)

Come to the NoVa office 4536 John Marr Dr. Annandale and walk a packet.
We are here from 9:00 am -4:00 pm. Contact Bob Zabel if you plan to come by and get a packet. mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. 317-489-2501

Take Action to Tell UNFI: Hands Off Our Health Care! We Deserve Pay Raises NOW! Wed, October 27, 5pm - 6pm (plus [link removed] 2 more on Thursday)

Shoppers #2641, 7660 Richmond Hwy, Alexandria, VA ([link removed] map)

NoVA Labor Volunteer Phone Bank: Wed, October 27, 6pm - 8pm

Guest speaker: Dan Helmer. We will be calling fellow union members about this year's election. Please [link removed] click here to register to help. For more info contact Bob Zabel. mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. 317-489-2501

[link removed] Fairfax Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, October 27, 7pm - 8pm

Meeting for union members and community allies in Fairfax County.

Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, October 27, 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Meeting for union members and friends of labor in Alexandria. Contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for the link.

Coming up Thursday ([link removed] click here for details):
DC Council Redistricting Hearings: Ward 4 * George Mason University Rally for Cleaners * Voting rights and Economic Justice Freedom Walk * Take Action to Tell UNFI: Hands Off Our Health Care! We Deserve Pay Raises NOW! * Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work * NoVA Labor Volunteer Phone Bank * Arlington Dems Labor Caucus * Pride at Work

Lipton workers ratify strong new contract

UFCW Local 400 members working at Lipton Tea-Unilever in Suffolk, Va., voted 67-9 to ratify a strong new two-year collective bargaining agreement on Wednesday, October 20th. The new union contract provides wage increases for all bargaining unit members, increased time off, and no health and welfare cost hikes. "The Company did not want to give anything this time, but we stood our ground and got everything we could," said Terrell Owens, a Local 400 member and Lipton employee who served on the bargaining committee. "They wanted to freeze wages and not give annual raises, but the committee stood strong and didn't flinch. We got everybody a raise. They also wanted to give us Juneteenth as a replacement for one of our other holidays, but we said we wanted Juneteenth as a new holiday along with the others and that's what we got." The more than 200 workers at the Suffolk Lipton plant, which makes most of the brand's tea sold in North America, organized with Local 400 and won their first union contract in 2017. This is their second collective bargaining agreement.

NOTE: UFCW 400 workers at Shoppers are still fighting for a contract: they have three local actions scheduled today and tomorrow; see Calendar above or [link removed] click here for details.

Fort Lee barbers trade picket signs for clippers

Union barbers are finally back to trimming hair instead of walking picket lines. After being on strike since July 4th, union barbers at Ft. Lee in Hopewell, VA, returned to work Monday after winning a new contract. "African Americans, Koreans, Latinos; we all stood up across from Fort Lee as one body fighting for justice," said Sonia Vasquez Luna, Business Manager for LIUNA PSE Local 572. "The workers exhibited extraordinary determination and solidarity through a long hot summer, and they never gave up," added NoVA Labor president Virginia Diamond. "When we strike, we win!"

What's at stake for labor in Virginia elections

Union members and working families across the Commonwealth have a lot at stake in next Tuesday's election in Virginia. "Our wages, our right to join together, our healthcare, our voice and safety on the job, our livelihoods and so much more!" says the Virginia AFL-CIO. If you haven't voted yet or if you haven't made a plan to vote -- don't worry. You can still early vote in person until Saturday, Oct. 30th. at 5 PM. [link removed]
Find your early vote location here. Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, polls are open from 6 AM - 7 PM. You can [link removed] find your polling place right here. "We need you to vote, but we also need you to volunteer with us. There's still so much to do within this last week of the election. [link removed] Check out our volunteer opportunities, and join us in action on the phones and doors to ensure our pro-worker candidates get elected!"

Wag-o-Ween: your cat or dog could win you $500
Union Plus is celebrating union members' best friends with a photo contest. To enter the Union Plus Wag-o-Ween Contest
, submit a photo of your cat or dog in costume. Entries must be submitted between October 21 and October 31.[link removed] Union Plus will select the finalists, and your fellow union members will vote on the winners between November 5 and November 10. Two winners will each win a $500 Grand Prize and ten First Prize winners will each win $50. Only cat or dog submissions from eligible union members and retired union members will be eligible to win.

EVENING WITH LABOR AWARDEES: IUPAT DC 51's FTI, Plumbers 5's JATC, EAS Regional Carpenters Council's MACTC

The 2020 [link removed] Evening with Labor
, rescheduled for November 12, honors those who have gone above and beyond to support and fight for the local labor movement. We'll be featuring them this week in Union City. This Friday, October 29, is the deadline to reserve your ticket(s) and/or ad in the EWL program book; Get your [link removed] ad and ticket orders
in now! For ticket credit card purchases, [link removed] CLICK HERE. For check payments or to avoid additional online fees, [link removed] register using this google form. Note that an option to attend virtually is available this year.

Thomas M. Bradley Community Services Award

IUPAT (Painters) District 51 and its Finishing Trades Institute
Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 5 and its JATC and Apprenticeship Training Center Eastern Atlantic States Regional Carpenters Council, Sisters in the Brotherhood and its MACTC in Upper Marlboro

These trades excelled in their commitment to increase women's participation in apprenticeship by supporting the Women in the Trades Advisory Committee, delivering state of the art training for women, promoting and implementing a gender specific pre-apprenticeship curriculum, opening mentoring opportunities, and by offering direct entry into apprenticeship to successful pre-apprentices. Their monetary and volunteer participation in the Community Services Agency's programs in 2019 exceeded the $50,000 mark. All of this was for the Building Futures Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program; the Women's Advisory Committee was developed pursuant to a 2019 Department of Labor WANTO (Women in Apprenticeship and Non-Traditional Occupations) grant.

IUPAT (Painters/Glaziers) District 51 and its Finishing Trades Institute

Lynn Taylor II, Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer; Brian Courtien, Training Director; Rochelle Walker, Business Development Agent

Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 5 and its JATC and Apprenticeship Training Center

James Killeen III, Business Manager/Financial Secretary-Treasurer; Hugh Ridell, Training Coordinator; Ashley Taylor, Office Manager

Eastern Atlantic States Regional Carpenters Council, Sisters in the Brotherhood and its MACTC in Upper Marlboro

William C. Sproule, Executive Secretary-Treasurer;
Sue Schultz, SIB Council Representative; Bob Eaton, MACTC Apprenticeship Director

Today's Labor Quote: Mark Federici

"Our hardworking members at Lipton stood strong in solidarity and as a result won a fair contract that improves their living standards, working conditions and quality of life. This is a tribute to their courage, unity and activism."

Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: [link removed] Voices of Guinness: An Oral History of the Park Royal Brewery. Last week's show: [link removed] "It Didn't Start with Amazon: A Conversation About the History of Organized Labor in the South."

The New York City subway, the first rapid-transit system in America, opens. More than 100 workers died during the construction of the first 13 miles of tunnels and track - 1904

The National Negro Labor Council is formed in Cincinnati to unite black workers in the struggle for full economic, political and social equality. The group was to function for five years before disbanding, having forced many AFL and CIO unions to adopt non-discrimination policies - 1951

- David Prosten.

Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !

[link removed] Office Administrator - Civil, Human and Women's Rights, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 10/26/2021)
[link removed]
Office Administrator - Civil, Human and Women's Rights (Political, Electoral and Issues Mobilization), AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 10/21/2021)
[link removed] Administrative Assistant to the CEO, Iron Workers, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/22/2021)
[link removed] People Ops & Administrative Associate
, UFR, fully remote--even post-pandemic (Posted: 10/22/2021)

[link removed] Web Producer - Communications, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 10/26/2021)

Information Tech
[link removed] Help Desk Technician, IAMAW, based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 10/22/2021)

[link removed] Legal Rights Attorney - General Counsel's Office, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/21/2021)
[link removed] Associate General Counsel, UMWA, based in Triangle, VA (in the Washington, DC metro area) (Posted: 10/22/2021)

[link removed] Institutional Giving Operations Coordinator, LCV, based in Washington, DC (remote/flexible) (Posted: 10/22/2021)
[link removed] Program Manager - CSA Building Futures, Apprenticeship Readiness Program (Full Time), MWC, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/25/2021)
[link removed] Senior Confidential Specialist - Human Resources
, NEA, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/19/2021)
[link removed] Program Officer II for Rule of Law, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC (currently remote) (Posted: 10/25/2021)
[link removed] Special Assistant to the Executive Director, UFR, fully remote--even post-pandemic (Posted: 10/22/2021)
[link removed] Controller, BCTGM, based in Kensington, MD (Posted: 10/22/2021)
[link removed] Senior Accountant, IAM CREST, based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 10/25/2021)
[link removed] Heavy Construction Equipment Mechanic Instructor, IUOE NTF, based in Albany, GA (Posted: 10/19/2021)

[link removed] Lead Organizer, SEIU 32BJ, for covering Virginia (Posted: 10/25/2021)
[link removed] Organizer, SEIU 32BJ, for covering Virginia (Posted: 10/25/2021)

[link removed] Deputy Legislative Director
, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/19/2021)
[link removed] Legislative Representative, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/19/2021)

[link removed] Research Librarian I - Research and Collective Bargaining Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/22/2021)

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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