Hi John,

I have something really embarrassing to share. When I was an Action Network partner, I didn’t know there was a list swap tool.

We grew our list from 5,000 to 60,000 supporters in one year. We always used an outside consultant - and dreaded hash files - to run our list swaps.

Learn from my mistakes. Use Action Network’s multiple sponsor tool.

Here’s how it works: A petition, fundraiser, or any other type of action can have multiple additional sponsoring groups. Additional sponsors will receive data on activists who take action. Activists who are shared in this way will show up on those groups' lists, just like any other activist, and can be emailed and downloaded via reports.

Two modes for data sharing are available -- "Share All" and "Proportional" -- and the mode can be changed by admins of the original sponsoring group.

Come ask me all your list swap questions on our weekly demo on Tuesdays at 1pm ET.

In Struggle,
Rose Espinola
Director of Partner Development
pronouns: they/them

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