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Thank you, patriots!
We didn’t reach our goal of 100 donors. We only had 91 donors, and only 56 of those are recurring. BUT, I want to show you the big impact made by just 56 people (out of the 1000s and 1000s we impact) giving a small monthly donation.
And let me tell you what $15,000 gets us…
All because 56 people saw the value of the work True Texas Project does and said, “Hey, I can help.” And their sacrifice? A mere $22/month. What a return on investment!
Here’s a comment I received from one donor when he learned we did not actually meet our goal:
"Ever since I got involved with TTP going on 3 years now, I have never seen anyone as dedicated to the cause and hard-working as you and Fran. I am in awe. I can't get over the contribution problem. I only give $25/mo recurring + $100 this past week + I throw in at all the meetings. It's only several hundred/year, and I don't even like talking about it. I just can't believe so few give so little or nothing.We are talking about saving the State of Texas here. In my opinion, there is no excuse."
I’m glad HE said it so I don’t have to! 😉
Even so, I don’t want to rain on this parade. We are thrilled to have $15,000, so please consider this a huge, public, heartfelt thank you to each of those 91 people. As promised, Fran and I and our team will be very frugal with how we spend the money.
If anyone out there intended to donate and forgot, we will still happily accept! Here’s the link to do so.
Before I close I want to give one more big thank you, and that goes to Patriot Mobile. They matched our donors for this fundraising campaign, and it’s not the first time they’ve helped out True Texas Project. In fact, they help fund a ton of conservative causes. You should check ‘em out. Their prices are lower than the major cell phone service providers, and the coverage is just as good. Plus they share their profit with conservative groups. It’s a win for everyone!
Thank you for being in the battle with us, no matter what finances or skills or efforts you contribute – it definitely takes us all pulling together!