Don't miss your chance to send a Halloween card. | No images? View on Web.
Send a fun Halloween card to CHLA's kids!

Dear John,

We know you care deeply about the kids at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, so we didn't want you to miss out on this chance to send them a Halloween card. The deadline to participate is tomorrow—so if you haven't already, send your card today. >>

Please, review your status below and help bring a fantastically fun Halloween to a sick kid. Plus, for every card sent, a generous donor will give $1 to the Children's Fund—up to $10,000! Send your card before the deadline!

Subscriber ID Name E-Mail Address Card Sent?
1354983 ------- ------- Sent
2285764 John xxxxxx  [email protected]  PENDING
1626846 ------- ------- Sent
1533781 ------- ------- Sent

Send a Halloween Card

It only takes a minute to send a card to a child in the hospital, but it's a small thing that has an enormous impact for kids. Send your card right now, John.

All of us want this Halloween to be the best one yet for our kids. We collected thousands of cards last year from people like you, so we know we can do it again! We're almost there—help us collect cards for each of our patients!

Goal: 10,000 Cards

Don't wait, John. Help us make sure that Thursday, when all of our patients reach into their goody bags, they pull out adorable Halloween cards sent just for them.

Send a Halloween Card

Thank you for all that you do for our kids and have a happy Halloween!


—The Halloween team at CHLA

© 2019 Children's Hospital Los Angeles

4650 Sunset Blvd., #29, Los Angeles, CA 90027
800-817-4543 | [email protected]