Virginia Tech.
And so many more.
School shootings are an epidemic in this country, and we need to do everything we can to stop the violence and keep our children safe.
But as it stands, school shootings aren’t being formally tracked and researched by the federal government.
Would you support tracking gun violence incidents to help curb the epidemic of school shootings?
If our country is serious about stopping such a horrendous (and uniquely American) problem, we need to understand and address it immediately. That’s why NewDem member Lucy McBath (GA-06) and her fellow colleagues announced the School Shooting Safety and Preparedness Act, which would allow officials to more accurately assess gun violence on school campuses and work towards solutions.
We want to hear from you, though: Do you agree with Rep. McBath that we need to start tracking and analyzing gun violence so we can work together and protect our children?
Thank you,