We’re fighting to guarantee a living wage in Mission, Texas.

Ground Game Texas

Big news, friend, we just launched our second-ever campaign in Texas!

Today, Ground Game Texas is announcing a ballot initiative campaign in Mission, Texas to guarantee a living wage for all city employees and contractors. 

In partnership with local organizations in the Rio Grande Valley, we’ll work to collect 3,000 signatures to qualify for the May 2022 ballot and will rally public support for the measure with direct voter contact, mail, and text campaigns — registering hundreds of new Texas voters in the process.

Help support our newest campaign to fight for popular policy and register new voters in Texas. Chip in $10 or more now to support Ground Game Texas as we kick off our work to guarantee a living wage in the Rio Grande Valley!

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Throughout Texas and especially in the Rio Grande Valley, workers are struggling to make ends meet on poverty wages.

The current minimum wage in Texas is $7.25, which isn't enough for a full-time worker to afford housing, living expenses, health care, or child care in any state in the nation. That’s why Ground Game Texas is so excited to join local and statewide organizations to rally for a living wage for city employees and contractors in Mission.

But that’s not all, friend. This Rio Grande Valley campaign is the next step in the Ground Game Texas mission: to fight for ballot initiatives in dozens of Texas cities and towns, so we can add tens of thousands of new or inactive voters to the rolls before Election Day 2022.

Our ability to recruit volunteers, collect signatures, and spread the word in Mission, Texas will be determined by the grassroots resources we raise in the weeks ahead. Will you help us start out strong? Contribute $10 or more today. 

Working people deserve a living wage, and they’re willing to show up to the polls to fight for one. This campaign is a critical next step for our work to ignite turnout in Texas.

Keep fighting,

Team Ground Game Texas