I hope you had a chance to catch the most recent debate. Let's just say, Matt Bevin didn't have a good night. Here's a sampling of how reporters described the debate:


I hope you had a chance to catch the most recent debate. Let’s just say, Matt Bevin didn’t have a good night. Here’s a sampling of how reporters described the debate:

“...horrible moments for the governor. Period.”
“Bevin just stumbled”
“Andy Beshear ...is winning this debate…”

But that’s not all. Bevin’s performance was so bad that he blew off his scheduled media interviews after the debate and scrambled to his car and left.

If it wasn’t clear before, it is now. Andy Beshear has the momentum with just eight days left. But Bevin’s powerful allies aren’t going to go down easy. Andy’s doing everything he can, but we need your help to put up a fight against the flood of last-minute spending by Bevin and his special interest cronies. We have to be ready. Please chip in right now.

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Beshear/Coleman 2019
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