
I’m on the train back from Harrisburg after an infuriating day. Tomorrow, we remember those lost at Tree of Life. Every week, another parent or friend tells me a story of someone lost to gun violence. 

Since the General Assembly last passed a gun safety bill, 4,600 people have been killed in Pennsylvania. Instead of trying to solve this preventable catastrophe, some in the Pennsylvania Senate are pushing bills to punish local problem solvers and make shootings worse. 

I stood with Governor Wolf, Senate Democrats, gun owners, faith leaders and more today against a deadly duo of gun bills that will soon advance in the Pennsylvania Senate. 

Friend, your advocacy helped us delay planned votes this week. Now, I need you to step up again. Can you chip in $5 or more to power our push for a Pennsylvania free from gun violence?

Here’s what's at stake. One bill would allow anyone 18 years and up to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Dismantling the existing concealed carry permitting system and lowering the age from 21 will make it even easier for potential shooters to enter public spaces without being noticed.

And another bill would punish local officials, who spend too much time graveside with families mourning another loss, for trying to act when the General Assembly won’t. Anyone, including the NRA, could sue and force the municipality, and therefore you, the taxpayer, to pick up the legal tab.

Looking at the data and hearing the grief of survivors, I would hope legislators would prioritize policies to end this crisis. Instead, Senate leadership is catering to the gun lobby and endangering Pennsylvanians. Together, we can pressure them to do the right thing.

Will you stand with us?

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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