Survival turned 50 this year, and we’re working on some important updates that will help us keep going for another 50 years! We want to make our website better and easier for you to use, and we’d really value your feedback during this process.
*The survey is confidential and your individual views will be considered as part of overall results, which will be handled in line with data protection laws. You can read more about how we hold and use your data here.
We also welcome anonymous feedback. If you’d prefer your answers to be treated anonymously, simply leave the email box empty (though unfortunately this means you won’t be entered into our raffle).
Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126 | A 501(c)(3) organization tax I.D. 26-3208869
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444
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