As a native Texan, I know that my home state has rarely been a bastion of voting rights for people of color. But these proposed new congressional districts take the cake.

People First Future

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Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans have just signed new congressional districts into law. But instead of creating fair maps where candidates compete for votes, they gerrymandered districts and created safe seats to protect themselves.

Greg Abbott has already proven to be a terrible governor for Texas—from his handling of the winter power crisis, to the Covid-19 pandemic, to his attacks on reproductive rights. Abbott knows just how unpopular the Republican agenda is, so he and his Republican buddies have decided to pick their voters, instead of letting voters pick them.

If we’re going to stop Governor Abbott and his cronies at the court and the ballot box, it’s going to take us coming together right now and pooling all the resources we can muster. Trust me, we’re not going down without a fight.

So, will you donate $25 or anything you can to help us at People First Future stop the unconstitutional redistricting plans being carried out in Texas? There’s more than enough time to make a difference before our big upcoming elections.


As a native Texan, I know that my home state has seen plenty of voter suppression and gerrymandering diminish the voting power of people of color. But these proposed new congressional maps are explicitly drawn to silence Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans.

Texas grew tremendously these last 10 years—and 95% of that growth was among people of color. Yet the new maps REDUCE the voting power of voters of color to protect Republican politicians. Republicans know they’re losing power in Texas and don’t want to compete for your vote—so they’d rather gerrymander maps to keep themselves safe.

We’re going to fight back—and since you’re receiving this email, I’m guessing you’re ready to fight back too. And that’s why we need your help: Join us at People First Future by making a donation of any amount, and help us defeat these dangerous redistricting plans once and for all.

Thank you for your time,
