Call Senator Schumer TODAY and tell him we need paid family & medical leave,
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)
Call Senator Schumer today and tell him we need paid family & medical leave so no one has to worry about finances when they are sick or caring for a loved one.

CALL 1-855-653-7622



John — Paid family and medical leave is a policy in the Build Back Better bill to help workers care for themselves or their families without worrying about their job or finances. But right now it is in danger of being cut from the bill. 

That's why we're asking our most engaged supporters to call Senator Schumer TODAY to say we need paid family & medical leave so no one has to worry about finances when they are sick or caring for a loved one.

CALL 1-855-653-7622

The pandemic has made clear the many challenges workers face when they lack access to paid leave. Women of color, often breadwinners for their families, are especially harmed by the lack of paid leave. This inequity, combined with the gender and racial wage and wealth gaps, and continued discrimination means that families of color may be less able to withstand the financial hardship associated with a serious family or medical event and struggle more to recover their stability afterward.

The Build Back Better Act would create a strong, inclusive national paid family and medical leave program and set a nationwide paid leave baseline centered on equity and would address the range of care needs people face, including the growing need to provide elder care.

Call Senator Schumer today at 1-855-653-7622 and tell him keep paid family and medical leave in the Build Back Better package. Making a call takes two minutes but has a HUGE impact. When you call, introduce yourself. Then, say: 

“I am calling to ask Senator Schumer to support paid family and medical leave in the Build Back Better package. Paid leave saves jobs and saves lives.”

CALL 1-855-653-7622


Thanks for all that you do,

Care Team, National Domestic Workers Alliance