
Keep the pressure on Congress as Dems near deal on budget reconciliation package

Dear activist,

Democratic Leaders are hopeful that the Party can agree on a framework for a budget reconciliation bill over the next few days. While immigration has stayed out of the spotlight due to recent rulings by the Senate Parliamentarian who said that by adding an amnesty for more than 8 million illegal aliens to budget reconciliation would violate Senate rules, there were two concerning reports this morning.

First, Punchbowl News is reporting that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) continues to push his "Plan C", which would offer parole to millions of illegal aliens, allowing them to work and access taxpayer-funded public benefits.

Second, House Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), an ardent supporter of an illegal alien amnesty, told reporters that the "vast majority" of the Caucus' priorities will be in the final bill.

Please send a message to your Members of Congress, urging them to oppose a budget reconciliation amnesty!

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