Trigger Warning: This email contains a story of sexual assault. If you've experienced sexual harassment or assault while working in the fast-food industry, call (844) 384-4495 for help.
She was only 14.
It started with verbal harassment from her manager – a registered sex offender that McDonald's hired. In a new lawsuit, she alleges that her complaints about his behavior were ignored, just as similar complaints by other McDonald's workers have been ignored.
Then, in February, her manager raped her in the McDonald's store bathroom, according to the lawsuit.
McDonald's rotten culture of sexual harassment and assault is not new. When worker-survivors like me have spoken up, we're ignored, bullied, or retaliated against. Even now, McDonald's won't take responsibility.
That's why we're STRIKING today in ten cities. We've been put in danger by a corporation that doesn't care about us for too long. Sign now to demand McDonald's take sexual harassment and assault seriously >>
McDonald's likes to say they take this seriously. They don't. It took a national news story for them to commit to anti-harassment training.
And where is that training? We're still waiting for details. Every day they stall is another day where their frontline workers, some of whom are just teenagers, are in danger.
McDonald's won't change unless WE change them. Worker-survivors can't wait another day >> sign in solidarity with us and our strike.
In solidarity,
Tanya Harrell
Former McDonald's Worker
St. Louis, MO
Fight for $15 and a Union