October 2021
Identity is honored to have many staff members who were participants, or parents of participants, in years past.  This group brings a unique understanding and a special joy to the youth and families we have the privilege to work with every day. 
Here are some of their inspiring stories as shared during Hispanic Heritage Month.
In 2001, Jose Rosario participated in Identity’s After School Program. He had not had a birthday celebration since he was three years old. Executive Director Diego Uriburu not only made sure to throw him a party that year, but also helped Jose set high expectations for his future. Now, as Identity’s Program Data and Facilities Manager, Jose is proud to be able to help others the way he was helped.
As an Identity participant, Lisette Dardon was inspired by Executive Director Diego Uriburu’s generosity of spirit and his belief in her leadership qualities. Lisette is now leading the Identity-run Wellness Center at Watkins Mill High School as Program Manager.
In 2001, Angel Varela’s experience in the LGBTQ Program made him feel welcomed in a way that he had not felt before. “I was treated like human being,” he says. Now, Angel is proud to be an Identity Case Manager who helps LGBTQ and other clients meet their basic needs in times of crisis.
“I have never felt so heard,” says Identity’s Bilingual Mental Health Therapist, Stefanny Sarich, remembering her time as a participant. When she opened up to an after-school facilitator about her abusive home life, she felt validated. “I wanted to be the supportive person I had while I was a participant.”
“Someone in this country is interested in my needs. I’m not alone!” Those were Diana Silva’s first thoughts after connecting with Identity as a parent of two children in after-school programs. Now an Identity Case Manager, Diana is proud “to be able to serve people that at some point are struggling with any situation. You can help someone by just listening carefully and connecting with resources or just being there for them.”
In middle school, former participant Lesly Alvarado fell in love with Identity. She returned to become a Program Facilitator. For Lesly, it’s amazing to work at an organization where “you can make a difference in someone’s life just by being yourself.”
As a participant, Majo Lizarzaburu sometimes skipped school, only to show up for the Identity program afterwards. Her facilitator insisted that she attend both and encouraged her to become a Peer Educator. As one of Identity’s Program Coordinators, Majo is proud to help kids reach their goals.
When Bryan Hernandez was an Identity participant, his program facilitator Majo, like family, “did more for me than she was supposed to.” Now, as one of Identity’s case management assistants, Bryan’s view of the organization when he was a client still stands as an employee: it’s “a safe atmosphere and a rewarding job.”
Maribel Lopez remembers how Program Director Carolina Camacho made her feel “like family” in 2012 when her teenage daughter joined an Identity program. A year later, Maribel became an employee and is now working to help other parents during the pandemic with safety net support. “I am very blessed by my work.”
A high school dropout, he was told that his prospects weren’t good. His Identity family believed in him. “The day I heard I had passed all my GED tests, I cried tears of joy.” Jonathan Henriquez says. Today he’s an Identity Program Facilitator and says, “the past year has been the best and most fulfilling year of my life.”
During high school, former participant Sasha Cabral experienced a Be Yourself weekend retreat, with friends and staff. Now as an Identity Program Facilitator, Sasha says, “The Identity community is exactly how I remember it. All a family, with responsibilities, and everyone with a helping hand.” 
As a volunteer at Identity’s overnight retreats, Karla Ponce felt a positive energy. “Those were usually emotionally intense, but at the same time brought everyone together.” Seeing the impact, she returned as an employee, now in Finance. “I wanted to be part of the change.”
At an Identity retreat, a fellow participant’s life story changed Kary Enriquez. “I could not believe what others actually go through,” she says. As a Program Facilitator at the Watkins Mill High School Wellness Center, Kary is a role model who brings this early lesson about compassion to her students.
Since middle school, Rolando Quintanilla says he has “always kept Identity very close.” Having experienced the positive impact on his own family, Rolando feels passionate about bringing that same sense of purpose and belonging to others as Identity’s new Recreation Assistant.
When Tatiana Murillo came to the U.S. at age 11, she took on the responsibilities of an adult. Identity’s programs gave her the chance to be a kid again. Now, as Identity’s Director of Finance, Tatiana says that helping younger generations “makes my heart full.”
You can also support Identity when shopping on Amazon by designating Identity as your charity of choice through Amazon Smile.
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