

Sometimes, God answers our prayers far more literally than we expect.

40 Days for Life campaigns around the world have hosted Jericho Marches--prayer walks evoking the Bible passage where God answers the Israelites' prayers by bringing down the famed walls of Jericho.

A week into this fall's 40 Days for Life vigil, the new abortion facility in McKinney, Texas built an illegal privacy fence to prevent vigil participants from offering women real choice.

It didn't last long.

A woman driving through the parking lot locked eyes with a vigil participant. When she read the prayer warrior's sign, she left!

"The moment she left, a light gust of wind blew the fence down," reported Paul, the local campaign leader.


McKinney's code enforcement officer revealed that the fence was neither approved nor permitted--and would not be rebuilt.

"I am pleased to inform you that the illegally placed fence is now removed," the officer wrote. "Thank you, sir, for observing and reporting the Code violation...Have a great day!"

A worker responsible for uninstalling the fence credited the prayer warriors for the barrier's removal, telling them, "You did your job!"


Whether you see results or not, your prayers save lives. A prayerful presence on the sidewalk forces abortion supporters to resort to bizarre tactics to try to limit your impact.


The United Kingdom

40 Days for Life Director of International Campaigns Robert Colquhoun reported unprecedented attacks on peaceful vigil participants across the United Kingdom.

A man in Leeds, England drove his SUV into a 40 Days for Life banner, damaging it and forcing volunteers to scramble to avoid being hit themselves.

In Brighton, England, a man violently pried 40 Days for Life signs out of the hands of vigil participants before departing on a bicycle.

An abortion advocate in Edinburgh, Scotland protested the vigil with a sign that said "abortion = love." But the mom who chose life after encountering the vigil found love from the pro-lifers!

Isabel in Birmingham, England said her volunteers have been screamed at, sworn at, spat upon, and even physically assaulted. They too have persevered and spared a baby from abortion!

But while pro-lifers are under actual attack in the UK, politicians are pushing legislation that would give police the power to shut down peaceful vigils as illegal "harassment."


Glendale, Arizona

Abortion supporters tried to disrupt a recent 40 Days for Life rally in Glendale.

"The pro-choice protestors put some type of pancake syrup all over a nearby wall so we couldn't set our things [down]," reported Tammy, the local campaign leader.

The abortion advocates also used their vehicles to take up parking spots near the abortion facility, blocked pro-lifers' access to the public right-of-way in front of the abortion facility, and blared satanic music from a speaker.


Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Blessed is the one to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.

— Romans 4:7-8

Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for your amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. I come against the enemy of my soul who would have me feel cast down and dejected. Lord, keep your children from falling prey to the accusations of the father of lies. Turn our mourning into dancing and may we bring praise to you as we give testimony of Your healing and restoration in our lives.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316