From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Labor looks to provide winning edge in VA races
Date October 26, 2021 9:48 AM
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Labor looks to provide winning edge in VA races

Evening with Labor awardees:
Saul Schniderman & Rev. Graylan Hagler

"Ending violence" discussion livestream now available

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

NoVa Labor Office Lit Drops: Tue, October 26, 9am - 4pm (thru Tues, Nov. 2)

4536 John Marr Dr. Annandale VA ([link removed] map)

[link removed] Metro Washington Council Delegate meeting: Tue, October 26, 5pm - 7pm
Latest local labor updates and reports.

[link removed] NoVA Labor Volunteer Phone Bank:
Tue, October 26, 6pm - 8pm (thru Thu, Oct 28)

[link removed] Tri-County COPE: Tue, October 26, 7pm - 9pm

[link removed] Fairfax Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, October 27, 7pm - 8pm
Meeting for union members and community allies in Fairfax County.

Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, October 27, 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Meeting for union members and friends of labor in Alexandria. Contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for the link.

NOTE: [link removed] CLICK HERE for the complete NoVA Labor election activity calendar listings thru Election Day (11/2).

Missed last week's Your Rights At Work
radio show? [link removed] Catch the podcast here. This week's show: Xochitl Cobarruvias (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement LA chapter chair) on Latina Equal Pay Day; sportwriter Dave Zirin on the recent strike by women's soccer players.

Labor looks to provide winning edge in VA races

With the Virginia governor's race locked in a statistical dead heat, labor may once more provide the key to victory on November 2. Over the weekend, members of UNITE HERE from around the country canvassed across Northern Virginia in Arlington, Clifton, and Dale City supporting labor candidates including Terry McAuliffe for governor as well as other Democratic candidates in the state (view the list of union endorsed candidates for Governor, Lt. Gov., Attorney General [link removed] here. Union endorsed House of Delegates list can be found [link removed] here).
"This is a tight race, but early voting is what's going to win it and that's why we are out here," said Paul Smith, a lead organizer of the Northern Virginia canvassing and member of UNITE HERE Local 54 in Atlantic City. "I feel positive that we are going to win as long as we get our people to go vote." UNITE HERE plans to continue its canvassing efforts through election day. "We need you to volunteer with us," urged the Virginia AFL-CIO. "There's still so much to do within this last week of the election.
[link removed] Check out our volunteer opportunities, and join us in action on the phones and doors to ensure our pro-worker candidates get elected!"
- David Stephen

Evening with Labor awardees: Saul Schniderman &
Rev. Graylan Hagler
The 2020 [link removed] Evening with Labor, rescheduled for November 12, honors those who have gone above and beyond to support and fight for the local labor movement. We'll be featuring them this week in Union City. This Friday, October 29, is the deadline to reserve your ticket(s) and/or ad in the EWL program book; Get your [link removed] ad and ticket orders in now! For ticket credit card purchases, [link removed] CLICK HERE. For check payments or to avoid additional online fees, [link removed]
register using this google form. Note that an option to attend virtually is available this year.

Saul Schniderman, AFSCME 2910

From his presidency in the Professional Guild at the Library of Congress (AFSCME 2910) for two decades, to his role in creating the Labor Heritage Foundation, Saul Schniderman has helped shape the cultural landscape of American labor. He was involved in organizing for the UMD Employee's Union, AFSCME 1072 and formed the labor band Folkworks with union organizer Carl Goldman in the seventies. Performing on picket lines, they became well known for their support during the 1975 Washington Post pressman's strike. Saul was a founding member of the Labor Heritage Foundation and its annual event, the Great Labor Arts Exchange. During the eighties he edited Talkin' Union, a labor folklore newsletter and helped to form the DC Labor Chorus. Saul retired in 2019, but edits the e-zine Fridays Labor Folklore and directs the Inventory of American Labor Landmarks, a project of the Labor Heritage Foundation. Among Saul's proudest accomplishments was securing the historic marker for Mother Jones in Adelphi.

Rev. Graylan Hagler

Rev. Hagler arrived in DC in 1993, and he doesn't seem to have missed a picket line since. No matter what the issue, Rev. Hagler can always be counted on to clearly, concisely and yes, forcefully, connect the dots and hold the forces of corporate America accountable for the socio-economic impact of their actions. Co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign and senior minister of Plymouth Congregational Church in Washington, DC, Rev. Hagler is the very personification of the labor-community-religious coalition. "Our power comes from within ourselves," he says, "no politician or leader is going to save us if we don't try to save ourselves."

"Ending violence" discussion livestream now available

"For me, it was an offer of employment," said DC Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie at last Friday night's discussion on "Ending Violence in our Communities," sponsored by the Metro Washington Labor Council. "At 19 years old, I got an offer of employment to work for the United States Postal Service. So I paid my union dues (and) it gave me the hope and the opportunity to transform my life and put me on that upward trajectory." If you missed last Friday's lively discussion, an [link removed] edited version
has just been posted, featuring McDuffie, hip-hop rapper and actress Yolanda `Yo-Yo' Whittaker, entrepreneur and philanthropist Darnell Perkins, States Attorney for Prince George's County Aisha Braveboy and trial lawyer J. Wyndal Gordon, moderated by Metro Washington Council president Dyana Forester. "The problem I've been seeing is a lot of young ... mothers and fathers not having enough resources to care for their families," said Whittaker. "A lot of families giving up on their children, quitting on them."
Read [link removed] City Paper's report here.

Today's labor quote: Liz Shuler

"The strikes are sending a signal, no doubt about it, that employers ignore workers at their peril. I think this wave of strikes is actually going to inspire more workers to stand up and speak [out]."

Read more in Time magazine about [link removed] "What the Labor Movement Needs to Keep 'Striketober' Going"


This week's Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: [link removed] Voices of Guinness: An Oral History of the Park Royal Brewery . Last week's show: [link removed] "It Didn't Start with Amazon: A Conversation About the History of Organized Labor in the South."

After eight years and at least 1,000 worker deaths - mostly Irish immigrants - the 350-mile Erie Canal opens, linking the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. Father John Raho wrote to his bishop that "so many die that there is hardly any time to give Extreme Unction to everybody. We run night and day to assist the sick" - 1825

- David Prosten.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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