Climate not Trident: Action needed at COP26

Join CND as we call for Climate not Trident actions to highlight the link between militarism and climate change at COP26.

The world faces two existential threats – climate change and nuclear war. These two terrible threats are interlinked: the multiple crises driven by the climate emergency may lead to wars in which nuclear weapons could be used; and any use of nuclear weapons will cause a catastrophic humanitarian and environmental disaster.

As world leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss states' climate change policies, CND is calling for the Scrap Trident message to be included in the demands. Global nuclear disarmament would get rid of a big carbon emitter. And it would ensure a future for our planet free from nuclear war.

Protests and actions are taking place across the country, click here to find your nearest event.

Glasgow Scottish CND is coordinating a Peace and Demilitarisation bloc at the Glasgow march.
London CND will have a Climate not Trident bloc at the London demonstration.
Leeds Join Yorkshire CND.
Derby Join Derby CND.

Click here for more information on general COP26 protest actions (and let us know - [email protected] - if you're organising a CND presence at your local demonstration).

In the face of two looming catastrophic threats it is more important than ever that we take our planet’s future into our own hands and organise collectively for change. Join us.
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