Act for America


Dear John,

Watch Brigitte’s Amazing Covid-19 Recovery Story, including her Doctors' Ivermectin prescription fight with her pharmacist.


Fighting for Medical Freedom!
The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time.

At a recent CNN Townhall, President Biden callously declared that Cops and First Responders should be fired if they refuse COVID vaccinations and mocked “freedom”. 

It has been heartbreaking to watch all the video and social media posts from our brave men and women posting their sorrow in losing their jobs, who openly declare their principles must come first! They are all rightfully questioning how they went from ‘heroes to zeros’ and from ‘protect and serve’ to “imminent threat to public safety’ with their coercive arbitrary vaccine deadlines! Many are questioning why their natural immunity was never considered. 

These courageous people are fighting for America, they are fighting for freedom, they are fighting for their communities, and they are paying a tremendous price to stand up to this Medical, Corporate, and Government Tyranny!

They Fight for Us, Let’s Fight for Them!

Our healthcare workers, cops, fireman, emergency responders, government and private sector workers are all at risk of losing their jobs, their ability to support their families, and their hopes and dreams for their future under a coercive JAB for JOB mandate! Coercion is not consent; This is a Constitutional Crisis! 



ACT For America is raising a grassroots groundswell across the country to Stop Biden’s Vaccine Mandate! 

We have incredible Governors and State Attorney Generals fighting the Biden Vaccine Mandate by issuing executive orders, leading state lawmakers to pass bills, and raising lawsuits to halt mandates and firings. 

Unfortunately, we also have state Governors that are enforcing the Vaccine Mandate and other Covid related restrictions through those same executive powers. Those of you living in these states are suffering under these mandates as we write to you!

We must fight together to pass state and federal laws to secure medical freedom and save jobs! 

ACT for America National Campaign

In the first week of October, we launched a national
ACT NOW! Campaign which has already yielded nearly 57,000 actions taken to all Members of Congress!

State legislative action is the ultimate key to fighting and winning this Civil Liberties and Constitutional battle! Our state law makers need our help-they need large numbers of constituents to empower them in this fight!


ACT for America Leads the Way
-50 State Legislative Campaign-

With one click, Our ACT NOW! STATE campaigns contact EVERY state lawmaker, averaging 148 seats per state and a total of 7383 elected officials!

In the last two weeks we have successfully launched a legislative campaign to Stop the Biden Vaccine Mandate in 45 states with the remaining 5 states launching this week! 

ACT members collectively organized
1,098,016 calls to action in 45 states!

A special congratulations goes to the state of Arkansas (HB1547) and Kentucky (HR5) who led the way in passing successful bills to Stop the Biden Vaccine Mandate! 

We have eleven ACT NOW! State campaigns with pending legislation introduced to stop Biden’s vaccine mandate and Covid related restrictions including: 

Alabama, HJR6 and HJR166
- Florida, H0075
- Kansas, HCR5017
- North Carolina, H558 and H572
- Ohio, HB248, HB350 and SB169
- South Carolina, H3126 and H3988
- Kansas, HCR5017
- New York, A07100
- Oklahoma, SB1095
- Pennsylvania, SB471
- Texas, HB93
- Washington, H1065 and H1006 

Our ACT NOW! State Campaigns for the balance of 37 states calls upon your state lawmakers to craft and introduce legislation. Please contact
[email protected] if you are a state lawmaker or organizer in contact with a state lawmaker that would like assistance in introducing a bill for your state.

Find your state in our ACT NOW! Center and take action today! Help spread the word throughout your community by passing on your state campaign via email and social media to everyone you know. ACT daily or weekly until your state Stops the Vaccine Mandate! 

Join the movement with our 830 Grassroots Leaders and activist members in all 50 States who are mobilizing to raise the number of patriots contacting state lawmakers! 

This fight is just getting started. We need your help to fund this fight. Your much-needed support is crucial to leading the charge and mobilizing the masses to Stop the Vaccine Mandate, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, and Covid related lockdowns once and for all! 

We are thankful for your ongoing following and support! We are stronger together in our continued fight to ACT for America!

ACT For America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We do not receive any government funding or grants so that we are not muzzled from speaking the truth. We rely on the generosity of patriots who believe in the importance of our work so we can continue exposing America's enemies foreign or domestic and mobilizing Americans to stand up and defend freedom. We would be so grateful for your support.


Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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