
Last year, Washington became one of just a handful of states to pass a ban on bump stocks, a step toward combating the gun violence epidemic. We were the first state to pass a law protecting net neutrality. We passed sweeping voting rights legislation, including an automatic voter registration program. And while states across this country were unabashedly hacking away at women's reproductive healthcare, we are fortunate to live in a state that has passed "reproductive parity," so that any insurance -- including Medicaid -- that covers pregnancy must also cover abortion care.

Hearing about accomplishments like these makes me proud to be a Washingtonian, but they wouldn't have been possible without the work of the Washington State Democratic Party.

Without the State Party, our legislature wouldn't be able to protect the Democratic values here at home that are under attack at the federal level -- which is why I'm writing to you today and asking you to join me in supporting them.

Will you chip in $3 or more now to the Washington State Democratic Party and help them continue to fight for our families here at home?

For the last seven months, I've been busy fighting Donald Trump's allies in Congress as they try to rip away affordable healthcare from millions of Americans, take away a woman's right to choose, and target working-class families. But the State Party -- and the folks they support in the state legislature -- are fighting for us right here at home. Just think about how thankful you are to live in Washington State right now, and not Alabama, Missouri, or Ohio. State politics matter!

With all of the hype surrounding the presidential election in 2020, it's easy to get caught up in the national news and forget about the incredible work our State Party is doing. But we can't let that happen if we want Washington State to remain one of the best and most progressive states in the country.

So please, join me in supporting the Washington State Democratic Party by chipping in $3 or more now.

Thank you,

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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