
One of the most frustrating problems with the immigration debate is that people often equate those who believe we need a secure border with being anti-immigrant. 

That’s simply wrong. I know, because I am an immigrant. And I came in the “right way” through our lawful immigration process.

Immigration is critical for our country. Welcoming people from around the world to come and pursue the American dream is part of our nation’s DNA.

Doing so requires that we have a functioning, transparent, and lawful system, so the people who enter our country legally can become a part of our great country and vibrant communities.
Support Safe Borders
A functioning border system ensures we are also fair to people—new immigrants already living here and ordinary Americans—especially at our borders. No one should face overwhelmed hospitals, schools, and other public facilities.   

It’s harder to welcome refugees from places in crisis if we are also absorbing millions of people trying to enter from Mexico and Central and South America… especially if they are crossing en masse and overwhelming Border Patrol and other agents at the southern border.

Our southern border is a magnet for individuals seeking security and a better life. It’s understandable that people facing desperate situations are making their way here, but lax border policies are undermining our immigration system.

Some 1.7 million people were apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. illegally in the 2021 fiscal year, a new record. 192,001 attempted to cross in September alone. 
Support Safe Borders
It’s even more concerning in light of the pandemic—including concerning reports of a potential mutation of the Delta variant—and the lack of COVID testing, vaccination record checking, quarantining, and social distancing being implemented at the border and in holding cells. 

Such a large influx of immigrants at the border has completely overwhelmed the system and led to a worsening public health and humanitarian crisis.

If unvaccinated American citizens reentering the country must now face a mandatory COVID testing requirement, so too should anyone trying to enter our country illegally.
Support Safe Borders
No one is trying to stop immigration. We want a just and fair system for Americans and for those who want to become Americans. That begins with securing the border, implementing health and safety checks, and protecting our lawful system.

Join us in supporting safe borders and requesting greater COVID measures at the southern border.


Patrice Onwuka