Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles
Brothers and sisters: You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Eph 2:19-20
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Highlights from CCUSA
CCUSA Innovation Challenge
Only three months until the Innovation Challenge entry deadline? It's not a trick, but it sure would be a treat to win the Challenge for your agency! Click here to learn more and take the quiz to see what kind of innovator you are.
Submit agency stories to the CCUSA storybank
When you share with us a story about your work and the people you serve in your local community, we can then share your stories not only with a national audience but also the lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Our government affairs team goes to the Hill often, and they are able to represent the Catholic Charities ministry more persuasively when they can share local stories that demonstrate the success and efficacy of programs and services. So please share your stories about food programs, affordable housing, family reunification, integrated health, social enterprises, and everything you do! Stories that involve the federal funding you receive are needed especially. We want everyone to know about the great work you are doing! Submit your stories here.
Apply today for the GSBI Pathways Out of Poverty US (POP US) Online Accelerator
In collaboration with CCUSA, the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship is launching GSBI Pathways Out of Poverty US (POP US) Online Accelerator. This world-class accelerator program provides practical tools, proven curriculum, and executive mentorship to help entrepreneurs develop more sustainable and scalable solutions. Our program is specifically seeking social enterprises that are working to improve economic livelihoods and create a path toward self-sufficiency for poor, underserved, or vulnerable communities within the US. Click the link for further information and contact Steve Bogus to ask questions. Key Dates: Applications due October 31, 2019. Finalists notified December 16, 2019. GSBI Online Accelerator program commences January 15, 2020. GSBI Online Accelerator program completion mid-July 2020.
December 2-6, 2019 the 11th CCUSA Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence (AIDE) training in Jacksonville, Fla. – Register Now!
Catholic Charities agencies are in the community for the life of the community. That means when a disaster strikes, the Catholic Charities network is called to be prepared and respond quickly to the needs of the community. Participants will gain a greater understanding of how to initiate and sustain disaster services in their agency, receive excellent resources and tools, and form new relationships with their peers facing similar challenges. Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for Social Work and Professional Counseling is available. This hands-on training disaster preparedness, response, recovery training is recommended for all Catholic Charities staff, including but not limited to:
• agency/diocesan leadership • emergency management or disaster workers • case-managers • social workers • business continuity planners • program supervisors/directors/coordinators • parish administration/volunteers • Catholic Charities partners (outside of the network)
The training cost is only $400 – the hotel stay and meals from Monday to Friday night is complimentary. Click here to register. Please Note: The reduced registration cost is only available for the first 300 slots.
Register now for the 2020 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering
Catholic Charities USA is a significant supporter of the annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. “Bearing Witness: Life and Justice for All” is this year’s theme, scheduled for January 25-28 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. This Gathering will bring together those working on issues impacting life and human dignity across the spectrum such as the death penalty, human trafficking, restorative justice, and issues impacting families like migration, violence, and poverty. Connect with current and emerging leaders, engage in dynamic and thought provoking plenary presentations, briefings, and workshops, and raise your voice in advocacy with members of Congress. To register or for more information visit here; act now for special initiatives for diverse leaders and young leaders.
Catholic Charities Retreat Opportunity with Fr. Bob Dufford, SJ
Catholic Charities USA is delighted to announce a retreat with one of the best-loved modern Catholic composers: Fr. Bob Dufford, SJ, writer of popular hymns such as “Be Not Afraid,” “All the Ends of the Earth,” “Sing to the Mountains,” and “Every Valley.” As a member of the Saint Louis Jesuits, Fr. Bob is a four-time Grammy nominee for compositions such as “Here I am, Lord,” and “Earthen Vessels.” This retreat is open to all Catholic Charities staff and board members. Spouses are welcome to register in a shared room. The registration fee is $350 for individuals and $225 for spouses, and is inclusive of all meals and a modern room with an ensuite bath. It will be held from January 28-30, 2020, at the Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center in Marriottsville, Maryland (near Baltimore). Visit this link to register or for more information.
Save the Date! Join us in Cleveland for the 2020 Annual Gathering for “Innovation Now”
When: October 27-30, 2020 Where: Hilton Cleveland. Plan ahead, mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details! Still need convincing? See what your colleagues said about the 2019 Annual Gathering:
• “Workshops/topics and presentations were great – wonderful diversity.” • “Learning from sister agencies – getting ideas that we could bring back to our agency.” • “Connections I made, people I met, bonding with colleagues.”
Questions? Send an email here.
2018 Member Agency Profiles
The 2018 Member Agency Profiles visualization is now live! Select a Diocese from the drop-down menu to review key information about each agency’s operations, programs, and services. Find the updated Member Agency Profiles through the CCUSA Members Portal, under ‘Annual Survey Resources.’ (11/18/19)

Events and Webinars
Another positive way to impact refugee and asylum-seeking families
Miles4Migrants (M4M) has been selected as an inaugural participant for the “Miles on a Mission” United Airlines campaign to raise 5 million miles by November 22, an amount enough to provide flights for over 250 individuals. The campaign allows M4M to raise more miles to support additional refugee and asylum seeking families. It also greatly improves the efficiency of the flight booking process, a huge benefit for partners, donors, and refugee and asylum seeking families. The minimum donation amount is 1,000 miles, an attainable amount for donors to contribute and play a part in reuniting the next well deserving family! Donate here.
Angel Tree program for incarcerted parents
Angel Tree® is a Prison Fellowship® program that gives incarcerated parents a pathway to strengthen and restore their relationships with their children and families. Through partnerships with local churches and community organizations, including over 160 Catholic parishes, hundreds of thousands of children receive a Christmas gift, the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their incarcerated parents every year. In addition, many Angel Tree churches meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of both children and families through year-round ministry such as camping and mentoring. For you and your church, that first Christmas connection can be the beginning of an ongoing, restorative relationship with a hurting child. Join this webinar to learn more about how Angel Tree can complement your agency’s parish social ministry program, family programs, and prison and re-entry ministries.Date: November 6, 2019, at 3:00 PM EST. Register here.
Grant Opportunities and Resources
Essential Communication Skills for Nonprofit Leaders
Effective communications is, without question, the most critical determinant of leadership success (especially for those in the nonprofit sector). This is how we develop and sustain key relationships that allow us to achieve a common purpose. But what makes a leader an effective communicator? In this three-week course, you will learn time-tested communications strategies that have helped thousands of executives become highly-successful leaders. Length of Course: Three weeks. Type of Course: Self-paced (during three-week course run); Instructor-led. Dates: November 4 - November 24, 2019. Price: $180 (Alliance partners and CNPs receive a 20% discount. Use code: NONPROFITPARTNER). Get a spooktacular good deal and save 31% on either of these courses if you enroll by October 31, 2019. Use code 'Spooky31' when you register by Halloween! Register and learn more here.
Build Your Fundraising Plan Now!
Get the fundraising plan off your to-do list and into action with this four-week course that walks you through every step needed to create an effective and comprehensive fundraising strategy. You’ll learn how to assess where you are, look ahead to see where you want to be, create a comprehensive fundraising plan, and then receive an entire toolkit of sample materials and resources to help you execute on that plan. Length of Course: Five weeks. Type of Course: Self-paced (during five-week course run); Instructor-led. Dates: November 4 - December 9, 2019. Price: $325 (Alliance partners and CNPs receive a 20% discount. Use code: NONPROFITPARTNER). Get a spooktacular good deal and save 31% on either of these courses if you enroll by October 31, 2019. Use code 'Spooky31' when you register by Halloween! Register and learn more here.
Hearts you hold: Opportunity for partnership to support migrant families
Hearts You Hold is a non-profit organization based on the principal that immigrants, migrants and refugees should feel valued, respected, and appreciated. Hearts You Hold believes it is critical to place control back in the hands of vulnerable clients, recognizing only individuals themselves can identify donations that can best positively impact their lives. The organization provides an online platform for authorized intermediary agencies to submit requests for items migrants want or need, which are then purchased by individual donors. Previous requests range from diapers to a graphic calculator and their current request are viewable here. Hearts You Hold has a pilot partnership with Catholic Charities Atlanta and is interesting in expanding their impact across the network. Join this webinar learn about the mission of Hearts You Hold and how your migrant clients can benefit from the donation platform! November 5, 2019 at 3-4 PM. Register here.
Management & Administration Benchmarking Project Inventory
Since 2015, Catholic Charities of St. Louis has conducted several benchmarking projects in conjunction with the Taylor Community Consulting Program (TCCP) of the Olin School of Business at Washington University, CCUSA, and other Catholic Charities agencies. These benchmarking projects focus on programming and administrative services prevalent across the Catholic Charities network with the ultimate goal of providing measurable results and developing a protocol for additional benchmarking opportunities. View an inventory of past benchmarking projects in the ‘Resource Center’ of the CCUSA Members’ Portal or by viewing either the Management and Administration or the Research and Evaluation section pages: Click here.
Grant Opportunity: Jesuit Volunteer Corps taking applications for new Placement Sites
The JVC Admissions Team is excited to announce that the Jesuit Volunteer Corps Placement Site application for the 2020-2021 program year is now live. You can access the application page here. Applications are accepted until December 1, 2019. To review applicable locations as well as expected costs, please review their Request a JV page here. If you have additional questions, send emails here.
Employment Opportunities
Catholic Charities job opportunities now listed on CCUSA website
Anyone can view the job opportunities by clicking on the "Careers" tag on the footer of the CCUSA webpage. To post a job opportunity, one must be a member and have access to the members' portal in order to fill out the submission form (click on "Careers" tag on members only portal homepage). If you have any questions about the new job opportunities submission form, please contact David Werning or Lily Stewart. Please click here to access job opportunities.
CCUSA Photo Gallery
Did you know that one of the benefits CCUSA provides to member agencies is access to a professional photo gallery? Visit our Flickr photo pages to explore our albums and photos. If you would like a high-resolution version for your agency's use, please email CCUSA with photo number.