
Happy October, and I hope things are falling into the right places for you and your family -- I'm reaching out to give my monthly update on our work to flip New York's 1st.
Let's get right into it. Here's where we're at for October (hint: it's been a good one!):
On the trail:

We were stunned to see the Texas state government pass a near-total abortion ban. We can't accept any law that subverts the constitutional rights of women; all people must have the unabridged right to choose what's right for them.

That's why earlier this month Kara joined activists from across New York's 1st District for a March for Women's Reproductive Rights.
Pictured: Kara Hahn at a rally for Women's Reproductive Rights

Kara joined the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's. Kara walked as someone with a parent with Alzheimer's but understands that the pain this disease has caused her family is felt by millions across the country every day.  
Pictured: Kara Hahn participating at the Walk to End Alzheimer's
Kara in the News:

As a survivor of domestic violence, Kara will always work to keep people safe. In 2015, Kara passed legislation codifying new prevention measures into law, requiring police officers that respond to domestic violence calls to provide victims with a risk assessment. Because it's essential and effective for people to know their true risk. READ MORE >>>
News12: Gabby Petito case places focus on how local police handle domestic incidents

Kara has seen first-hand the difference it can make when communities are empowered to transform forgotten lots into spaces that serve their community needs. That's why Kara passed policy that will lay the groundwork for more communities to do just that. READ MORE >>>
CBSNY: Suffolk County Lawmakers Approve Plan To Map 'Orphaned' Properties That May Become Community Gardens
A Challenge from Kara

As a mom, social worker, and community leader, Kara wants to challenge you. During World Mental Health Day on October 10th, Kara asked folks to do something for themselves and the people they care about. Taking care of your mental health can be a tough journey to get started on, but it's an important one to make, so we give people the best of us, not what's left of us. If you haven't taken the challenge yet, it's never too late to get started!

Here's a quick video with Kara's challenge. Take a few minutes to watch, and when you're done, give some thought to an act of kindness that can help you or a loved one.
Video of Kara Hahn and her Challenge for World Mental Health Day

Thanks for taking the time to read through and stay updated.

Campaign Manager
Kara Hahn for Congress

PS. I wouldn't be a good campaign manager if I didn't put in at least one plug to chip in and empower our campaign to continue growing and laying the foundation for a red to blue flip in 2022. Can you chip in today to help elect Kara Hahn to congress?